2020 11 Finance Minutes



Minutes of the Meeting of the Finance and Personnel Committee of Drayton Parish Council held on Monday 16th November 2020 remotely, at 7pm.

Present: Cllrs Pat Athawes (Chairman), Shane McAleavey, Graham Webb, Tamsin Crane, Richard Wade and Claire Woollard.

Also in attendance: Lorraine Watling (Clerk/RFO) and Chris Price (Deputy Clerk) – for part of the meeting.

Public: None

Minute No.
19/20Apologies for absence: None. All Cllrs were in attendance.
20/20(a) Declarations of Interest: Cllr Wade declared a general interest in the allotment rents, and did not take part in the vote on this matter. (b) Dispensations received by the Clerk: None
21/20The Minutes of the Meeting of 19th October 2020: were Approved as a true record. Proposed: Cllr Webb Seconded: Cllr McAleavey Resolved (unanimous by those in attendance)
22/20Budget: The Committee noted that the Clerk/RFO and Chairman of the Finance Committee had updated the budget review for 2020-21 since the November meeting. The October figures had been included and some budget lines revised to reflect the updated position. The budget has been updated in Alpha and money transferred into the EMRs. The bus shelter maintenance and memorial testing funding is now included in the 2021-22 budget as it will not take place this financial year.
Budget, Charges and Precept for 2021: The first draft of the 2021-22 budget was discussed. The precept and charges for 2021-22 were discussed as part of this. It was noted that: Precept: The precept had been increased several years ago to start building reserves for the new facilities planned at Walnut Meadows. These reserves will reduce the amount of money that the PC will have to borrow in the form of a Public Works Boards Loan to deliver these projects. The parish precept had not been substantially increased since then. The Parish Council was aware of the difficulties that some families may now be facing due to Covid 19. Cllr Crane proposed, Cllr Athawes seconded the motion and the F&P committee resolved (unanimous) the Recommendationthat there be no increase in the precept this year.
Charges for 2021-22: Allotments: The Parish Council agreed to increase the allotment rents (noting that plot holders require 12 months’ notice). Cllr Athawes proposed, Cllr Woollard seconded the motion and the committee resolved (all Cllrs except Cllr Wade who abstained due to a general interest) the

Recommendationthat the charges be increased as follows: Small £10 Medium £15 Large £20
Cemetery Fees for 2021: The Clerk had previously circulated a paper that compared the Drayton cemetery fees with those of other parishes. This comparison indicated that the Drayton fees were out of line with neighbouring councils and should be increased to reflect future costs. The onus of any increases would be on the charges made to any non-residents, with significant links to Drayton, who the Council allows to use the burial ground. Recommendation: that the committee determine the average of some local cemetery charges and make a recommendation for price increases at the December Council meeting (the draft budget will be adjusted accordingly).
23/20Audits: Internal Auditor: The Finance and Personnel Committee noted that IAC Audit & Consultancy Ltd (IAC) had been be appointed as the Internal Auditor for Drayton Parish Council for 2020-21 at a maximum cost of £365 plus VAT, which allows for an on-site visit if this is practicable under the current pandemic. External Auditor: It was noted that Moore had emailed to say that they had completed the external audit for 2019-2020 and had found no matters of concern. The accounts will be signed off and the original paperwork returned to the Clerk along with the completion of audit notice.
24/20Annual Review of the Asset Register: The 2020-21 annual review of the asset register is being undertaken by Chairman and Deputy Clerk and is partially completed. Actions: 1.The Chairman and Deputy Clerk will finish the annual review of the asset register. 2. The amended document is to be approved by full Council in December 2020.
25/20Risk Assessments: The Drayton Risk Assessment policy document has been updated as agreed at the October meeting of the Finance and Personnel Committee. Action: The updated document to be approved by full Council in December 2020.
26/20New Laptop Computer for the Deputy Clerk: This matter is ongoing but is estimated to cost approximately £500..
27/20Mobile Phone for the Clerk: This matter is ongoing.
28/20Project Manager Vacancy: The documents associated with the project manager vacancy were reviewed and updated by the committee. It was agreed that the project manager appointee should ideally have a construction background. the new project manager will oversee the contractors undertaking projects for the parish council in a role similar to that of a clerk of works the management of the pavilion build will be devolved to the contractor Recommendation: that the final documentation be approved by council in December. Action: The updated document will be circulated to committee members for comment before being circulated to full council before the next council meeting.
Any Other Business: It was noted that it may be prudent to take measures to try and keep travellers off Parish Council sites going forward. The installation of black country style post and rail fencing was considered to be a possibility worth investigating. This will have budget implications but no provision was made for this in the 2021-22 budget at this stage.

The date of the next meeting. The next Finance and Personnel Committee will be in January 2021 on a date tbc.

The meeting concluded at 9.40pm

Signed: Pat Athawes (Chairman, Finance and Personnel Committee)

Date: 16th November 2020