Council Meetings

The Parish Council meets every month.  Meetings are usually held at the Caudwell Centre, Gravel Lane. Click here 2024 Parish Council Dates to see the calendar of upcoming meetings.

Minutes of meetings are published as DRAFT between meetings and amended and approved at the next meeting, when they are signed by the Chairman as the correct record. Meetings may not be recorded without permission from a vote of the Parish Council.

Public Participation

The public and press are welcome to attend all meetings. There is a Public Participation session at the start of each monthly Parish Council meeting at which Drayton residents can raise any matters of concern. Members of the public can address the Parish Council, or any committee meeting, on matters that are on the meeting agenda.

It is sometimes necessary for the Parish Council and Committees to discuss confidential matters, these are kept to an absolute minimum and when necessary the press and public will be asked to leave the meeting.