2021 4 Planning Minutes

Drayton Parish Council Planning Committee Minutes

of the Remote Meeting held on 13th April 2021 at 7:00pm.

Present: Graham Webb (Chairman), Patricia Athawes, Shane McAleavey (arrived at 7:03pm). Richard Wade.

Not Present: All Councillors were present.

In Attendance: Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk and meeting administrator).

Public: 3 members of the public were present.

27/2021 Apologies for Absence. None.

28/2021 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations and Use of Delegated Powers. None.

29/2021 Public Participation. None.

30/2021 Minutes of the Previous Meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous

Shane McAleavey arrived at 7:03pm.

31/2021 Old Planning Applications (Application(s) already responded to since last meeting).

P21/V0554/HH. Two storey rear extension, single storey glazed link and garage conversion. 8 Walnut Way Drayton Abingdon OX14 4FY. PC: Noted.
P21/V0643/HH. Erect single storey rear extension, single storey front extension and apply external cladding and render. 50 Hilliat Fields Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JF. PC: Objection. The proposed cladding is out of character with the rest of the estate of some 60 houses, all of with are rendered and painted, none of them have cladding. The design and appearance would clearly be out of character with the Hilliat Fields area.

32/2021 New Planning Applications (see Vale of White Horse District Council website for full planning details and minutes for all pending applications). The Clerk/Deputy Clerk was authorised to respond to the VWHDC to Support/Respond/Object to the following planning applications with comments, in accordance with material planning considerations and the Drayton Neighbourhood Development Plan planning policies.

P21/V0392/HH. Proposed extension to garage to form gym. 38 Church Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JS. PC: Noted.
P20/V3237/FUL Amendment : No. 1 – dated 2nd March 2021. Demolition of existing commercial building. Construction of two semi-detached houses (As amended by plans and additional information received 2 March, 19 March and 1 April 2021). Norrington House 22 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL. PC: Noted.

33/2021 Late Planning Applications (Application(s) that arrived after the publication of the agenda).


34/2021 Date of the next Meeting 11th May 2021.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 7:20pm

Signed: Date:
