2021 9 Finance Minutes



Minutes of the Meeting of the Finance and Personnel Committee of Drayton Parish Council held on Tuesday 28th September 2021 remotely, at 7pm.

Present: Cllrs Pat Athawes (Chairman), Shane McAleavey, Graham Webb, and Tamsin Crane.

Also in attendance: Lorraine Watling (Clerk/RFO) and Chris Price (Deputy Clerk).

Public: None

Minute No.
10/21Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from Cllr Wade.
11/21(a) Declarations of Interest: None. (b) Dispensations received by the Clerk: None
12/21The Minutes of the Meeting of 27th July 2021: The minutes from the meeting held on 27th July 2021 were Approved as a true record. Proposed: Cllr Webb Seconded: Cllr Crane Resolved (unanimous by those in attendance).
13/21Audit: The Committee noted the completion of audit and report from the External Auditor. The Clerk recommended that IAC be reappointed as the Internal Auditor – this will be discussed at the next F&P Committee meeting. Action: The Clerk will bring the draft review of the internal audit to the October meeting.
14/21Budget Update: Financial Position as at 31st August 2021: The Committee received and noted the ‘alpha’ accounting reports detailing income and expenditure as at 31st August 2021.
Budget Review: The Committee noted the budget position at the end of August 2021, and discussed possible amendments required when the routine budget review is undertaken in October 2021. It was noted that some tree work and hedge maintenance was needed in the churchyard. Quotes had been received and will be bought to full council for consideration. It was noted that funding for ongoing legal fees, and for winter cuts to the football pitch will need to be included, and the staff budgets will need to be reviewed now that a Programme Manager has been appointed.
Budget 2022-23: The Committee noted that all Cllrs need to let the Clerk/RFO and F&P Committee know of anything that they would like to be considered for inclusion in the 2022-23 budget so these can be considered when the 1st draft of the budget is produced. NB, as the PC does not currently have the General Power of Competence it must have a specific power for each of its activities.
15/21Churchyard Maintenance: The Committee received and considered an approach from the PCC for financial assistance towards grass cutting the churchyard. The PCC estimates that the cost this year will be £2,250.00. The Committee RECOMMENDS: That the PC gives a grant of £2,250.00 to the PCC to cover the 2021-22 cost of grass cutting in the churchyard and churchyard extension, using its powers to contribute towards expenses of cemeteries – The Local Government Act 1972 s 215(6). That the Clerk ask the PC’s grass cutting contractor to meet the churchwarden to discuss the church’s grass cutting requirements and also provide an estimate to the PC for 2021-22 so it can demonstrate that it is getting good value for money.
16/21Projects Account: The PC currently has £15,185.52in a bank account called the Projects Account which was established before the current Clerk joined the Council. There have also been changes in Parish Cllrs, so the Clerk asked for clarification about the purpose of this account and what it should be used for. Discussion followed. ACTION: Cllr Athawes offered to check back through her Projects paperwork and confirm why this separate account was established and what it is to be used for.
17/21S106 Update: The Clerk updated the Committee about the position for each of the s106 project applications that have either been submitted or drafted. All s106 monies received are allocated to, and subsequently spent from the Drayton2020 Projects earmarked reserve.
18/21Equipment for PC Meetings: The PC would like to purchase some equipment for use at Council and Committee meetings. The F&P Committee RECOMMENDSthat £1k is allocated to this in the forthcoming budget review.
19/21LPGS: The Clerk and Cllr Athawes, Chairman of the Finance and Personnel Committee had recently attended a meeting to hear about important change in OCC’s working practices, regarding the exercising of employer discretions. Following the meeting the Clerk had drafted a series of policies for the PC to consider. The agreed policies must be notified to OCC Pension services before the end of October. ACTION: The Clerk will include the LPGS to the next agenda and circulate the draft document so that Cllrs can read it before the meeting and bring any suggestions to the full Council meeting.
20/21Public Art Insurance Matters: The Clerk/RFO spoke to Zurich to confirm the insurance position re public art on the Village Green. Zurich advised that as long as the PC has undertaken a risk assessment, and considered a maintenance plan for any things purchased by the PC, they will be covered by the PC’s Public Liability Insurance. The Clerk had emailed Zurich to ask to receive this confirmation in an email but nothing had yet been received.

Reserved Business: Exclusion of the Public and Press. In view of the nature of the business to be transacted any members of the public and press were temporarily excluded from the meeting (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1).
21/21Burial Ground Covenant: The Chairman updated committee members about the most recent correspondence that had been received. The Committee had already agreed an initial budget of £5k towards legal costs associated with this matter, but the Clerk will increase this amount in the budget review. Action: A remote call will be arranged with the Councils solicitor to discuss the recent correspondence that had been received.
Funeral Director Debt: It was noted that despite being sent letters by email no response or payment had been made received from the Funeral Director. Until this payment is received this funeral director will not be permitted to work in the burial ground. ACTION: The Clerk will send the Chairman copies of the letters that the PC has sent to the Funeral Director. The Chairman will then try to contact them directly about this matter to try to get it resolved.
22/21Miller Homes It was noted that the new Programme Manager is working hard to try and progress this matter. The Committee received an update about the work that is being undertaken.

The Council then went back into public session.
Any Other Business: Paths. It was noted that the Deputy Clerk will be doing some land searches paid for under the Clerks delegated authority, to confirm the ownership of some specific paths in the parish. Overgrown stretch of footpath by Manor Farm: It was noted that a substantial amount of undergrowth is spilling onto the footpath along a stretch regularly used by pedestrians so options for clearing this are currently being investigated.

The date of the next meeting. The next Finance and Personnel Committee meeting is scheduled to be held on 26th October 2021.

The meeting concluded at 9.00pm

Signed: Pat Athawes (Chairman, Finance and Personnel Committee)