2018-11-05 – Projects Board Committee Minutes

Projects Board Committee Minutes

held on Monday 5th November 2018 at 7:30p min the Caudwell Day Centre, Gravel Lane, Drayton, OX14 4HF


  1. Richard Williams
  2. Janet Manning
  3. Pat Athawes
  4. Andrew Bax
  5. Colin Arnold
  6. Nigel Porter (Director (Technical)) (Non Voting Member)

Not Present:

  1. Richard Wade (Chairperson)
  2. Graham Webb
  3. Matthew Lowy

In attendance:

  1. Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk and Meeting Administrator)
  2. Lorraine Watling (Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer) (left at 8:08pm)


Richard Webber (OCC) (for part of the meeting).

Richard Wade has resigned as Chairman of the Projects Board Committee.

Richard Williams assumed the Chair.

53/2018 Election of Chairman.

Colin Arnold was elected Chairman of the Projects Board Committee and it was agreed he would chair the next meeting.

  • Proposed: Andrew Bax
  • Seconded: Richard Williams
  • Resolved: Unanimously

54/2018 Apologies for Absence.

  1. Richard Wade
  2. Graham Webb.

55/2018 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations and Use of Delegated Powers.


56/2018 Public Participation.


57/2018 Minutes.

The minutes of the previous Projects Board Committee Meeting were confirmed and Richard Williams (Chairman) signed them.

  • Proposed: Colin Arnold
  • Seconded: Andrew Bax
  • Resolved: Unanimously

58/2018 Action Checklist from the Previous Meeting

Appendix A.

Sign at the entrance to the Golf Club. On 27th August 2018 the Deputy Clerk sent an email to Jonathan Draycott (Director of Golf, Drayton Park Golf Club) expressing concern as the sign could obscure the view of approaching cars but did not receive a response. On 20th September 2018 the Deputy Clerk sent an email to VWHDC Enforcement and was told to draw this to the attention of OCC Highways. On 24th September 2018 the Deputy Clerk sent an email to OCC Highways and was told that the sign would be moved off the highway verge in the next day or so. It was noted that the sign has not been moved.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk photograph sign again and send another email to OCC Highways.

59/2018 Future Meetings – Timing and Frequency.

Meetings to be held as and when required. Matter continued under 67/2018 Date of the next Meeting.

60/2018 Walnut Meadow.

  1. Sports Pitch Drainage. It was noted that trenches were dug across the area covered by the drainage system plan and the buried debris should have been removed from the drainage channels. It was also noted that the north west corner of the site is protected for archaeological reasons, this means that no drainage scheme can be constructed in this corner. On 19th October 2018 the Clerk received an email from Peter Dunford (Technical Coordinator, Miller Homes Southern) with ‘POS Filling levels added1.pdf’ attached. It was noted that the layout of the football pitches have changed and in the current layout the football pitches do not fit on the sports field.

    ACTION: Clerk / Deputy Clerk to ask Peter Dunford to comment and redraw the football pitched so that they fit and are covered by the drainage scheme.

  2. Expected timetable for transfer of land. It was noted that the conditions in the following document have not been met:

    Planning Obligation document for Land west of Abingdon Road Drayton
    file name – Land Transfer Agreement Land_west_of_Abingdon_Rd_Drayton_6.11.2015.pdf between VWHDC and OCC and Miller Homes Limited and Caudwell and Sons Limited.
    Dated 6th November 2015.
    Planning Application number: P14/V2504/FUL.
    District reference: 6163.
    OCC ref 47144

    ACTION: Clerk / Deputy Clerk to write to Caudwell and Sons Limited and remind them that their easement for access to the next field is at risk if Millers Homes do not build the roads to an adoptable standard.

  3. New Cycle Path to Corneville Road, Trees. It was noted that a resident is adamant that the trees on the boundary between her property and the new cycle path should not be removed. However, the Parish Council is unwilling to foot the bill for future maintenance, which will undoubtedly be required.

    ACTION: Clerk / Deputy Clerk to write a legal document to be signed by the homeowner making it clear that they will be responsible for any future cutting back, trimming etc.

  4. Outstanding Issues. It was noted that Colin Arnold has compiled and circulated a summary of his weekly walk around the Walnut Meadow development.

    ACTION: Deputy Clerk and Colin Arnold to meet and assign job list.

  5. Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association (OPFA). Parish Council Minutes from 9th July 2018 state:

    125/2018 Finance & Personnel Committee.
    (e) PWLB Loan for Sports Pavilion. It was resolve to engage Oxfordshire Playing Fields Authority (OPFA) for a period of 12 months (start date to be confirmed) within an overall budget of £3,000.00 to help with and advise on funding and technical matters relating to the sports and play facilities at Walnut Meadows.
    Proposed: Colin Arnold Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous

61/2018 Village Hall.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to invite Tony Holmes to the next meeting and move this item up the agenda.

62/2018 Nursery Building

(previously called Pre-school) (Janet Manning). In order to proceed with the SWA plans, we need about £300K. We already have s106 funds, a donation and some money due to come from the former Pre School. When OCC was approached it was pointed out that we needed a further £120K, but that they would be able to reclaim the VAT, thus making their contribution in the region of £74K once they had reclaimed the VAT. It was noted that there is a meeting on Thursday 15th November at the school and will be attended by the Head, possibly the Early years co-ordinator if she can be released, Janet Manning as Chair of the Nursery Building Committee, David Perrow and Andrew Bax, together with a rep from OCC. Since OCC are unwilling or unable to help us financially, we will be looking at possible cheaper options for the new building or other sources of funds. We also need to clarify ownership of the current building and who will commission the new building.

63/2018 Traffic Calming.

Minutes from 17th September 2018 state:

46/2018 Traffic Calming (agenda item was expedited). Richard Williams reported on the Drayton Traffic Calming and Street Design Strategy meeting that took place on 29th May 2018. Attendees: Andrew Bax, David Perrow (previous Parish Clerk), Cllr Richard Wade, Cllr Richard Williams, Harry Etchells (OCC), Will Pedley (OCC). The meeting was to discuss the proposals outlined in the Drayton Traffic Calming and Street Design Strategy (2015) and come to a view on which elements of the proposed schemes should be taken forward into consideration in the design process.

ACTION: Richard Williams to get an update and discuss the Walnut Meadow junction with Will Pedley (OCC).

64/2018 Public Art.

Parish Council Minutes from 1st October 2018 state:

176/2018 Drayton Public Art. Abi Brown (Arts Development Officer, VWHDC) gave a presentation about public art and provided examples of what other parishes had done. Drayton s106 Contributions for Public Art are: Abingdon Road £22,407 (received for Walnut Meadows – must be used on site), Halls Close £0, High Street £42,000 (not yet received – must be used on site), Manor Farm £17,100 (not yet received – can be used on or off site). It was agreed to set up a Public Art Working Group. Cllr P Shahin agreed to chair this group and Mr Mcaleavey said that he would be happy to join it.
ACTION: Abi Brown to provide some typical draft Terms of Reference for consideration.

65/2018 Cycle Paths.

Nothing to report.

66/2018 Project Manager.

ACTION: Richard Williams to ask the possible candidate recommended by Jeremy Sacha if they are willing to be our Project Manager.

67/2018 S106 payments.

It was noted that the [Details of District Council s106 contributions secured relating to developments in Drayton] can be found here:


68/2018 Date of the next Meeting.

It was agreed not to hold a meeting in December 2018 and hold the next meeting in January 2019 and then Bi-monthly.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9:22pm.




Appendix A

Action Check List

Sign at the entrance to the Golf Club.

Deputy Clerk photograph sign again and send another email to OCC Highways. Done.

OCC Councillor Priority Fund.

Richard Wade and Graham Webb to compile a list of footpaths / cycle paths / bridleways requiring improvement.

Project Manager.

Richard Wade to collate a list of jobs and roles for the Projects Manager.

Sports Pitch Drainage.

Clerk / Deputy Clerk to ask Peter Dunford to comment and redraw the football pitched so that they fit and are covered by the drainage scheme. Done.

Expected timetable for transfer of land.

Clerk / Deputy Clerk to write to Caudwell and Sons Limited and remind them that their easement for access to the next field is at risk if Millers Homes do not build the roads to an adoptable standard.

New Cycle Path to Corneville Road, Trees.

Clerk / Deputy Clerk to write a legal document to be signed by the homeowner making it clear that they will be responsible for any future cutting back, trimming etc.

Outstanding Issues.

Deputy Clerk and Colin Arnold to meet and assign job list.

Village Hall.

Deputy Clerk to invite Tony Holmes to the next meeting and move this item up the agenda.

Traffic Calming.

Richard Williams to get an update and discuss the Walnut Meadow junction with Will Pedley (OCC).

Project Manager.

Richard Williams to ask the possible candidate recommended by Jeremy Sacha if they are willing to be our Project Manager.