2019-02-04 – Drayton Parish Council Minutes

Table of contents

Drayton Parish Council Minutes

held on Monday 4th February 2019 at 7:30pm in the Caudwell Day Centre, Gravel Lane, Drayton, OX14 4HF

Drayton Parish Councillors Present:

  1. Richard Williams (Chairman)
  2. Adrian Cooke (Vice Chairman)
  3. Colin Arnold
  4. Patricia Athawes
  5. Pervin Shahin (arrived at 7:50pm)
  6. Graham Webb
  7. Richard Wade
  8. Tamsin Crane
  9. Matthew Lowy
  10. Shane McAleavey (Co-opted at 7:38pm)

Drayton Parish Councillors not present:

All Councillors were present.

In attendance:

  1. Lorraine Watling (Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer) (arrived at 7:50pm)
  2. Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk)
  3. Richard Webber (arrived at 8:31pm and left at 9:10pm)


6 members of the public were present.

[Clerk’s note: Jennifer Campbell has withdrawn her application to join the Council.]

The meeting started at 7:34pm.

21/2019 Apologies for Absence.

  1. Lorraine Watling (late arrival)
  2. Pervin Shahin (late arrival)

22/2019 Co-option of a Parish Councillor.

Shane McAleavey expressed an interest in joining the Parish Council and was duly co-opted at 7:38pm.

Proposed: Adrian Cooke Seconded: Richard Wade Resolved: Unanimous

Drayton is entitled to 11 Parish Councillors so there is currently one vacancy.

23/2019 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations and Use of Delegated Powers.


24/2019 News from OCC Councillor.

Richard Webber gave his report later in the meeting upon his arrival. See item 30/2019.

25/2019 News from VWHDC Councillor.

Stuart Davenport was not present.

26/2019 Public Participation.

  1. Drayton Chronicle. Andrew Bax (Chairman, Drayton Community Trust (under whose ‘auspices’ the Chronicle is published)), asked if the Parish Council would financially support the Drayton Chronicle. It was resolved to appoint Tamsin Crane as a Parish Council nominated Trustee.
    Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Adrian Cooke Resolved: Unanimous
    ACTION: Clerk to send Andrew Bax a grant application form.
  2. Drayton Village Hall. Tony Holmes asked if the Parish Council would financially support the Drayton Village Hall.
    ACTION: Clerk to send Tony Holmes (Booking Secretary, Drayton Village Hall) a grant application form.

  3. Lorraine Watling and Pervin Shahin arrived at 7:50pm.

  4. Drayton Baptist Church. John Henderson asked if the Parish Council would financially support the Drayton Baptist Church. It was noted that Parish Councils are not allowed to financially support places of worship.
  5. Ann Webb (Chairperson, Drayton Village Hall). Fred Stephens (Committee Member, Drayton Village Hall) reported that Ann Webb is not receiving emails from the Parish Council.
    ACTION: Deputy Clerk to check the Parish Council’s email list.

27/2019 Nursery Building (previously called Pre-school).

It was noted that Janet Manning has handed this project over to Laura Billingdon.

28/2019 Minutes.

The minutes of the previous Parish Council Meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman.

Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous

29/2019 Action Checklist from the Previous Meeting – Appendix A.

The action checklist was noted and specific issues reported below:

Closed Bridge Linking Drayton to Marcham via BW3.

This matter was discussed later in the meeting under item 30/2019 News from OCC Councillor (c).

Dog Faeces.

Adrian Cooke suggested putting a dog poo bin at the end of Marcham Road, along BW27.

FP16 Barbed Wire.

The Clerk wrote to the landowner asking that the barbed wire be replaced with single strand wire. The landowner agreed to replace some as requested.

Walnut Meadow Barbed Wire.

The Clerk sent a letter to the landowner asking that the barbed wire be replaced with single wire and he agreed to do so.

Public Art Working Group.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to add item to the Projects Board meeting agenda and the Annual Parish Assembly Meeting Agenda and invite Abigail Brown (Arts Development Officer, VWHDC) to speak.

Allotment Tenancy Agreement.

It was noted that the Council need more time to consider the amended Allotment Tenancy Agreement.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to ask Tim Atkins (Allotment Warden) to collect rents as per normal.


Conversion of existing kennel building into 5 x 2 bed dwellings. Acremead Boarding Kennels Old Farm House Milton Road Drayton OX14 4EZ. It was noted that the VWHDC are unfortunately unable to take into account any comments on this notification from the Parish Council. It was also that the Parish Council has asked Stuart Davenport (VWHDC) to ‘call in’ this application.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to email Stuart Davenport again and follow up on the request to ‘call in’ this application and request to comment. Depending upon response, Richard Williams to discuss application with Adrian Duffield (Head of Planning, VWHDC).

It was noted that the Land Registry documentation shows that this fence belongs to the homeowner and therefore any repair or replacement is their responsibility.

ACTION: Clerk to draft letter to be sent to the homeowner concerned.

Village Hall.

ACTION: Clerk to circulate financial regulations to the Members of the Finance and Personnel Committee.

Trees of Remembrance Project.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to add item onto Projects Board agenda.

Richard Webber arrived at 8:31pm.

30/2019 News from OCC Councillor (Richard Webber).

  1. Youth Services. It was noted that there is £1,000,000.00 available for youth services. Richard Webber will invite the DEMASCUS Youth Project to apply for a share.
  2. Drayton2020. Richard Webber made the following report:

    S106 Contributions and status:
    1. Walnut Meadow £203K + a little interest accrued – already held by OCC
    2. Manor Farm £164K + a little interest accrued – already held by OCC
    3. South of High St £383K + a little interest accrued – 3 instalments – nothing received yet. The first 2 instalments are overdue and so OCC are querying this.
    TOTAL £750K + interest + Halls Close contribution.

    Consultation and the Neighbourhood Plan: Highways improvements in Drayton were discussed. These will focus on white lines and raised tables and are less ambitious that the original proposals include in the NP. Although a full scale consultation with residents will not be required, OCC will need a clear demonstration that Drayton residents are aware of and support the proposals.

    Current Highway ambitions of the PC/NDP:
    1. White Lines throughout the village – to encourage speed reduction – low cost and deliverable in the short term (See Cllr Priority Fund note.)
    2. Raised Tables – the suggestion is for 2 or 3 more in the village to reduce speed – will create a theme with the white lines. Would need to be phased.
    3. Coloured asphalt at specific entrance to the village – could be expensive as full resurfacing recommended for durability.
    4. High Street safety – Full scale crossing would be costly and there may be cheaper solutions
    5. Central Roundabout – A stand alone project to replace the current roundabout – a “Frideswide Square”- style advisory roundabout might be suitable and is probably affordable.
    6. Steventon Road – remove hatching and putting in advisory cycle lanes to encourage cycling and slow traffic.
    7. Walnut Meadow / Abingdon Rd / Sutton Wick Lane Junction. This is urgent – propose a raised table / use of white lines / moving of a streetlight etc. Whilst other projects could potentially wait until senior Highways officers can focus on them, this project must be a priority.
    8. Trees relatively inexpensive and deliverable in the short term.

    Finance: Cllr Webber suggested that, given the likely total pot, items 1-8 above are probably affordable. The £8K available in his County Cllr Priority Fund would not cover a pedestrian crossing but might cover items 1 and/or 8 above. If so, OCC could probably agree the work quite quickly. Cllr Webber noted that the cheapest way to keep the design costs down is by adopting a “one design” process whereby the whole project is designed at the start even if it then takes 2-3 years to deliver it all. This would allow for the necessary phasing and staggered disruption to through traffic, noting that doing it all at once would not be permissible in Highway terms.

    Conclusions: Drayton PC to put together a proposal once costs are known, including plans for consultation, which County Cllr Webber will then take back to Highways Department for consideration.

    Suggested Priority: White lines and trees, Walnut Meadow junction, whole project design, High Street safety, central roundabout, Steventon Road, coloured asphalt.

  3. Closed Bridge Linking Drayton to Marcham via BW3. It was noted that Richard Webber is unable to resolve the dispute between OCC and the land owner and that this bridge will remain closed for the foreseeable future. [Deputy Clerk’s note: This bridge had an emergency closure by notice on 22nd July 2013.]

Richard Webber left at 9:10pm.

31/2019 Finance & Personnel Committee – Appendix B. (Patricia Athawes).

  1. Payments. The list of payments circulated prior to the meeting was approved. The 2 councillors nominated to approve online payments were Patricia Athawes and Richard Williams.
  2. Bank Reconciliation. The Council noted the bank reconciliation that had been circulated prior to the meeting.
  3. Disposition of Council Funds. The council noted the disposition of council funds that had been circulated prior to the meeting.
  4. Minutes from the Finance and Personnel Committee. The draft minutes from the Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting that was held on 21st January 2019 were received and considered:

    29. Recommendation for the Parish Council’s General Reserve for 2019-20. It was resolved that:
    1. The Parish Council retain 11 months average expenditure in the general revenue reserve for 2019-20 – £45,500 (rounded).
    2. That £3k is put into a new ear-marked reserve for the Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association (OPFA) work on the new sports pitches.
    3. £10k is put into the ear-marked reserve for the new pavilion that the Council has already agreed is established.
    Proposed: Matthew Lowy Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous

    33. 2019-20 National Salary Award. It was resolved to approve the National Salary Award that has been agreed and notified by NALC from 1st April 2019.
    Proposed: Richard Williams Seconded: Tamsin Crane Resolved: Unanimous

    34. Personnel Matters. It was resolved increment the Clerks salary by 1 spinal point from 1st April 2019 as per her employment contract. It was noted that the Deputy Clerk is at the top of his pay scale.
    Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Adrian Cooke Resolved: 1 Abstention

    37. Annual Leave Yet to be Taken. It was noted that the Clerk had not had a holiday since starting work for Drayton PC and so has significant amounts of annual leave yet to take. As the end of year and local elections approach it will not be possible for her to take her full entitlement and so alternative arrangements need to be agreed. It was also noted that the Deputy Clerk had still to use his annual leave.
    ACTION: The advice of OALC will be sought. Deputy Clerk to add item to next month’s agenda.

    39. Any Other Business discussed by the Finance Committee.
    2. RECOMMENDATION that the ear marked “Projects Reserve” should be renamed to be called the “Drayton Projects Implementation Committee ear marked reserve” as the former Clerk has confirmed that this is the purpose for which it was established.
    ACTION: Deputy Clerk to add item to the Projects Board Agenda.

32/2019 Public Art Working Group (Pervin Shahin).

Matter had been discussed earlier in the meeting under29/2019. Action Checklist from the Previous Meeting.

33/2019 Leisure & General Purposes Working Group (Richard Williams).

  1. Village Caretaker report was noted.
  2. Grass Cutting. It was noted that the Council should consider adding the Walnut Meadow playground, to the grass cutting contract and that other areas would need to be added very soon.

34/2019 Rights of Way & Conservation Working Group (Graham Webb).

Matter had been discussed earlier in the meeting under 29/2019 Action Checklist from the Previous Meeting.

35/2019 Allotment Working Group (Richard Williams).

Matter had been discussed earlier in the meeting under 29/2019 Action Checklist from the Previous Meeting.

36/2019 Projects Board Committee (Colin Arnold).

Conifer Trees that are on the boundary with 85A Barrow Road. It was noted that the homeowner would like the very tall conifer trees retained that are on land that will be transferred to the Parish Council.

ACTION: Clerk to obtain quotes for the removal of the trees for the council to consider.

37/2019 Planning Committee – Appendix C. (Richard Williams).

38/2019 The Great British Spring Clean 2019.

22nd March to 23rd April 2019. It was noted that the Council will need litter pickers, bags and to confirm a date if it wants to hold a litter pick.

39/2019 Correspondence.

All correspondence had been circulated prior to the meeting via email.

  1. Salvation Army. An email had been received from a Field Sales Representative, Salvation Army Trading Company Ltd, enquiring about the possibility of siting a Salvation Army Clothing recycling bank on Parish Council land. It was agreed to refuse permission as no suitable site could be identified.
    ACTION: Clerk to respond to the Salvation Army.
  2. Consultation on the draft Vale of White Horse Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Strategy. An email has been received from the Community Engagement Officer, VWHDC inviting the PC to comment on its draft CIL Spending Strategy. This sets out how VWHDC thinks that the District Council should allocate CIL revenue. The strategy has been formulated so that funds from CIL go towards the infrastructure that new housing developments need, such as roads, parks, community and health centres and schools. Deadline 11th February 2019.
    ACTION: All Councillors to comment.

40/2019 Items to be noted from Parish Councillors.


41/2019 Dates of the next Meetings.

  1. Projects Board Committee. 18th February 2019. 7:30pm Cauldwell Day Centre.
  2. Planning Committee. 4th March 2019. 7:00pm Cauldwell Day Centre.
  3. Parish Council. 4th March 2019. 7:30pm Cauldwell Day Centre.
  4. Annual Parish Meeting (Meeting of the Parish). 18th March 2019. 7:00pm Cauldwell Day Centre.
  5. Finance and Personnel Committee. 28th May 2019. 7:00pm Cauldwell Day Centre.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 10:08pm.


Name: Richard Williams (Chairman).

Date: 4th March 2019

Appendix A

Action Check List

NDP Text Revisions.

Richard Williams to draft suggested revisions for the Drayton NDP for the Council to consider.

Manor Farm, Gravel Lane Footpath.

Stuart Davenport (VWHDC) to get an update from VWHDC Planning Enforcement about the PC’s complaint.

Dog Faeces.

Richard Wade to write article for Chronicle. All Councillors to consider where another dog poo bin might be required. Adrian Cooke suggested putting one at the junction of Kiln Lane and Lockway and another at the end of Marcham Road, along BW27.

Additional Consecrated Land.

Clerk working with the Diocese office to process the application for the Bishop of Dorchester to consecrate additional land at the existing burial ground.

FP16 Barbed Wire.

The Clerk to send a letter to the landowner asking that the barbed wire be changed to just wire. Done.

Walnut Meadow Barbed Wire.

The Clerk to send a letter to the landowner asking that the barbed wire be changed to just wire. Done.

Public Art Working Group.

Richard Williams to invite people to join the working group in the Chronicle. Deputy Clerk to add item to the Projects Board meeting agenda and the Annual Parish Assembly Meeting Agenda and invite Abigail Brown (Arts Development Officer, VWHDC) to speak.

Tile on Lych Gate.

Graham Webb to ask a suitably qualified local professional to confirm that the broken tile on the roof of the lych gate is stable and does not pose a potential hazard.

Allotment Tenancy Agreement.

All Councillors to consider the amended Allotment Tenancy Agreement. Deputy Clerk to ask Tim Atkins (Allotment Warden) to collect rents as per normal.


Conversion of existing kennel building into 5 x 2 bed dwellings. Acremead Boarding Kennels Old Farm House Milton Road Drayton OX14 4EZ. Deputy Clerk to email Stuart Davenport again and follow up on the request to ‘call in’ this application and request to comment. Depending upon response, Richard Williams to discuss application with Adrian Duffield (Head of Planning, VWHDC).

Clerk to draft letter to be sent to the homeowner who is currently in correspondence with the Council.

Village Hall.

Colin Arnold and Graham Webb to discuss improvements with Tony Holmes (Village Hall committee member). Clerk to circulate financial regulations to the Members of the Finance and Personnel Committee. Clerk to send Tony Holmes (Booking Secretary, Drayton Village Hall) a grant application form.


Matthew Lowy to draft a letter to be sent from the Parish Council to the Police.

Trees of Remembrance Project.

Deputy Clerk to add item onto Projects Board agenda.

Drayton Chronicle.

Clerk to send Andrew Bax a grant application form.

Ann Webb

Deputy Clerk to check the Parish Council’s email list.

Annual Leave Yet to be Taken.

OALC to be contacted for professional advice. Deputy Clerk to add item to next month’s agenda.

Projects Reserve.

Deputy Clerk to add item to the Projects Board Agenda.

Conifer Trees that are on the boundary with 85A Barrow Road.

Clerk to get quotes for the removal of the trees.

Salvation Army.

Clerk to respond to the Salvation Army.

Consultation on the draft Vale of White Horse Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Strategy.

All Councillors to comment.

Appendix B

Finance & Personnel Committee


Invoice Amount
Including VAT
Staff Salaries


Unity Bank
Current Account
Savings Account
Unity Bank
Projects Account

Appendix C

Planning Committee Report


Demolish existing pair of semi-detached cottages (3 & 4 Mill Lane) including garages and outbuildings. Construct 2, four bedroom detached dwellings and garages. 3 & 4 Mill Lane Sutton Courtenay Abingdon Oxon OX14 4BE.

PC: Objection:

Drayton Parish Council has concerns regarding the impact of flooding on the area, and would not wish to see the chances of flooding increase. We also have concerns about development outside the main villages of both Drayton and Sutton Courtenay, if the development is allowed, then at the very least, the situation should be carefully monitored with a view to limiting further expansion.

VWHDC: Pending.


Proposed change of use from agricultural to retail business and repair of garden machinery and accessories. Milton Garden Machinery Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EZ.

PC: Objection:

The Parish Council would like clarification about whether the track that runs to this business is a bridleway or a byway (open to all traffic).

VWHDC: Pending.

P18/V2563/FUL Amendment : No. 1 – dated 23rd October 2018.

Retrospective application for the proposed retention and change of use of an existing building currently used as a dwelling to a lawnmower retail showroom to be used ancillary to the existing authorised lawnmower repair business use. Change of use of agricultural land to business use with additional car parking. Erection of an assembly workshop for mowers and an open framed storage area for mowers. (Description amended 23.10.2018). Milton Garden Machinery Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EZ.

PC: Objection:

The Parish Council would like clarification about whether the track that runs to this business is a bridleway or a byway (open to all traffic).

VWHDC: Pending.


Proposed first floor extension. 8 Binning Close Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LN.

PC: Support.

VWHDC: Planning Permission on 16th January 2019.


Construction of new three bedroom detached dwelling, parking and access. 7 Manor Close Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JD.

PC: Support:

The Parish Council noted that the access to the site is narrow and local residents should be consulted if access is blocked during construction.

VWHDC: Pending.


Removal of condition 14 (age restricted units) – on application ref. P15/V2077/O.

PC: Objection:

The Parish Council would like further information and an explanation as to why this condition should be removed. It also suggests that a new planning application should be submitted.

ACTION: Objection: See February’s Planning Minutes for details.

VWHDC: Pending.


Variation of condition 2 – approved plans on application ref P15/V3027/FUL.

PC: Objection:

The Parish Council object to the temporary dwelling being replaced by a permanent dwelling as it is outside the built up area of the village.

VWHDC: Planning Permission on 16th January 2019.


Proposed ground floor rear extension and internal alterations. 238 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN.

PC: Support.

VWHDC: Planning Permission on 22nd January 2019.


Conversion of existing kennel building into 5 x 2 bed dwellings. Acremead Boarding Kennels Old Farm House Milton Road Drayton OX14 4EZ.

VWHDC: Withdrawn prior to determination on 6th February 2019


Outline planning application for the demolition of existing buildings, erection of a new office/retail use building and up to 10 new dwellings with provision of associated access, parking and public open space. All matters are reserved for later consideration. Norrington House 22 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL.

PC: Support:

The Parish Council would like retail or a commercial outlet on this site with traffic calming at the junction with the High Street. Richard Williams to draft Parish Council’s response.

VWHDC: Pending.


Single storey extension of the kitchen to the front elevation of the property, with flat roof with glass roof light. Single storey front porch extension. Deconstruct existing conservatory and replace with single storey Orangery with glass roof light. Single storey workshop and carport to side elevation connected to the proposed Orangery. 26 Corneville Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HN.

PC: Pending.
VWHDC: Pending.