2019-06-19 – Finance and Personnel Committee Extraordinary Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Finance and Personnel Committee of Drayton Parish Council

held on Wednesday 19th June 2019 in the Village Hall, Drayton, at 7.00pm.


  1. Pat Athawes (Chairman)
  2. Matthew Lowy
  3. Tamsin Crane
  4. Shane McAleavey

In attendance:

  1. Lorraine Watling (Clerk)


One member of the public.

65) Apologies for absence

  1. Cllr Graham Webb

66a) Declarations of Interest:

Cllr P Athawes declared a general interest in agenda item 4: Grant application from FODSA, as she is a School Governor.

66b) Dispensations received by the Clerk:


67) The Minutes of the Meetings of 28th May 2019:

were approved as a true record.

  • Proposed: Matthew Lowy
  • Seconded: Tamsin Crane
  • Resolved: Unanimously

68) Grant Application from FODSA:

The Committee received and considered the FODSA application for a £500 s137 grant towards the Annual Parish Fete that was held on 15th June 2019. It was noted that the Committee had not yet received the copy of the bank statement that was referred to in the email correspondence about the FODSA grant application.

ACTION The Parish Clerk will send FODSA a reminder that the PC is still awaiting the supporting financial information.

The committee approved the £500 s137 grant application. It noted that if FODSA submits a s137 grant application next year it should include details of the gross and net profits made in 2019-20.

  • Proposed: Tamsin Crane
  • Seconded: Shane McAleavey
  • Resolved: Unanimously

69) Personnel Matters – Recruitment of a Projects Manager to help deliver the s106 and other Neighbourhood Plan Projects:

The Committee received a verbal report from Cllr Crane about a meeting that she recently held with Cllrs Arnold and Webb and District Cllr Cooke to review the previous advert and job description for the post of Projects Manager written by the Chairman/previous Clerk when this post was offered to a candidate in June 2018 and the advert for a similar position issued by Radley PC via OALC. The group had reviewed the S106 projects list and considered that the Project Manager would only be required to help deliver the sports facilities and pavilion when the Council is ready to deliver this. It was noted that a detailed specification will need to be produced and quotes sought from three suitably qualified professionals/organisations. It was noted that the other s106 projects were under control:

  • Pre-school – being managed by the school
  • Village Hall – being managed by the Village Hall Committee
  • Allotments – there is not a lot to do at present
  • Art – the Public Art working group is leading on this project
  • BMX – the Damascus group has been approached to lead this project
  • Trees at Hilliat Fields – the PC to compete phase 2
  • Footpaths and Cycle paths – Cllr Webb will lead on these projects

70) Any Other Business:


71) The date of the next meeting.

The next Finance and Personnel Committee meeting will be held at 7pm on Monday 16th September 2019.

The meeting concluded at 7.54pm

Signed: Pat Athawes (Chairperson, Finance and Personnel Committee)

Date: 19th June 2019