2019-09-02 – Drayton Parish Council Minutes

Table of contents

Drayton Parish Council Minutes

of a meeting held on Monday 2nd September 2019 at 7:30pm in the Caudwell Day Centre, Gravel Lane, Drayton, OX14 4HF

Drayton Parish Councillors Present:

  1. Tamsin Crane (Chairperson)
  2. Matthew Lowy (Vice Chairperson)
  3. Patricia Athawes (Vice Chairperson)
  4. Pervin Shahin (arrived at 7:40pm)
  5. Graham Webb
  6. Shane McAleavey
  7. Colin Arnold
  8. Garin Schoonhoven
  9. Irma Vastakaite
  10. Claire Woollard

Drayton Parish Councillors not Present:

  1. Richard Wade

In Attendance:

  1. Lorraine Watling (Parish Clerk / Responsible Financial Officer)
  2. Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk)
  3. Adrian Cooke (VWHDC) (left at 8:06pm)
  4. Richard Webber (OCC) (arrived at 7:55pm and left at 8:28pm)


6 members of the public were present.

175/2019 Clarification of minute number 134/2019.

134/2019 Co-option of Additional Councillors (continued). It was agreed to co-opt Garin Schoonhoven and Irma Vastakaite onto Drayton Parish Council. They signed their Acceptance of Office forms and joined the meeting.

It was resolved that the Drayton Parish Cllrs who attended Parish Council meeting held on 1 July 2019, had agreed to co-opt Cllrs Garin Schoonhoven and Irma Vastakaite in July 2019 without dissent. Garin Schoonhoven, Irma Vastakaite and Claire Woollard did not take part in the vote (as they were not councillors at the time of the July meeting).

Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous

176/2019 Apologies for Absence.

  1. Richard Wade

177/2019 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers.


178/2019 News from OCC Councillor.

Item deferred until Richard Webber’s arrival: see item 182/2019 News from OCC Councillor.

179/2019 CIL.

David Cookson (Infrastructure Implementation Officer, Development and Regeneration, VWHDC) explained what the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is and how it will be applied. It will eventually replace s106. It will be a planning condition that will be worked out based upon the size of a property. It was noted that Drayton Parish Council will receive 25% of the CIL monies collected because it has a Neighbourhood Plan. CIL infrastructure money can be spent on something physical i.e. built, made, planted or created. CIL payments will be made twice a year. The DC will pay it when the money is received, rather than against projects, but the PC will have to confirm what the CIL is spent on. Mr Cookson answered questions following his presentation.

Pervin Shahin arrived at 7:40pm.

180/2019 News from VWHDC Councillor (Adrian Cooke).

  1. Miller Homes, Walnut Meadow. The VWHDC had completed an audit of the Walnut Meadow site and found a number of breaches of planning conditions and these had been discussed at the meeting on 30th August (see item 183/2019(b) below).
  2. P19/V1775/FUL. Adjustment of Garden Levels. Plot 48 Edward Park Drayton. It was noted Drayton Parish Council had objected to this planning application (see Appendix C for details). Adrian Cooke will call in this planning application so that it will be discussed at the next VWHDC planning meeting.

Richard Webber (OCC) 7:55pm.

181/2019 Public Participation.

  1. Cala Homes, Manor Farm, Gravel Lane Footpath. A parishioner expressed concern over the removal of the Gravel Lane hedge and the drainage ditch that used to run alongside the footpath. In light of Cala Homes unsatisfactory responses to these issues Andy Cooke suggested that the next step should be an audit of Cala Homes’ actions. It was also suggested that the PC start holding regular meetings with them

    ACTION: Tamsin Crane to arrange a meeting with Cala Homes to discuss this and other issues.

  2. P18/V1547/FUL. Single dwelling house with detached double garage. 208 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN. This planning application was withdrawn prior to determination on 12th October 2018. It was noted that it will be resubmitted soon.

    ACTION: Councillors to clarify the position of the red line in PLANNING POLICY P-LF2: BOUNDED DEVELOPMENT.

182/2019 News from OCC Councillor (Richard Webber).

  1. Oxford to Cambridge Express Way. It was noted that the Didcot link road and bridge over the Thames has nothing to do with the Oxford to Cambridge Express Way. Until a Didcot link way or bridge is built to relieve pressure no more planning applications will be approved in Steventon or Sutton Courtenay.
  2. Parking at the Harvester at Milton Park. It was noted that OCC is aware that parking fines of £85.00 are being issued, and Milton Park had been notified about this.

Adrian Cooke (VWHDC) left at 8:06pm.

183/2019 Projects Board Committee (Claire Woollard).

  1. Projects Board Chairperson. It was noted that Colin Arnold has resigned as Chairperson. It was resolved to appoint a Claire Woollard as the new Chairperson.

    Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Pervin ShahinResolved: Unanimous

  2. Miller Homes Meeting held on 30th August 2019. Claire Woollard reported on the meeting between representatives from Millers, VOWHDC, OCC and Drayton Parish council, where the parties had discussed the outstanding items to be completed, and had formulated a remedial action plan. The District Council is now closely monitoring the state of the development

Richard Webber (OCC) left at 8:28pm.

184/2019 Public Participation. Continued.

  1. Village Hall Car Park Bins. A parishioner reported that the bins have been emptied, but were overflowing.

    ACTION: Deputy Clerk discuss matter with the Village Caretaker.It was noted that various groups seem to be using the bins and that this is resulting in a lot of waste.

  2. Beech Hedge Behind St Peter’s Church. A parishioner reported that the hedge behind St Peter’s Church is so overgrown people are forced to walk over the ash plots. It was noted that this hedge belongs to St Peter’s Church. It was noted that this hedge does not belong to the Parish Council, but St Peter’s Church, but the Council could cut it if the Church is in agreement and ideally makes a financial contribution towards the cost of this work.

    ACTION: Tamsin Crane to discuss trimming of this hedge with the Church.

  3. Access onto the Cycle Path along the B4017. A parishioner reported that it is dangerous for cyclists having to cross the B4017 to get to the cycle path. It was noted that a raised table is planned as part of Drayton’s traffic calming scheme, and it was on OCC’s list to deliver in due course.
  4. Bees and Trees. A parishioner asked the Council to consider planting some bee friendly plants, these can be low-growing herbs like thyme, chives and oregano. and slightly taller plants and shrubs like rosemary and lavender. It was also noted that the Woodland Trust are offering free trees. The resident said that the school plans to teach an environmental topic. The Millennium Green Committee have also been approached but were unable to help.

    ACTION: All Councillors to think about potential locations for bee friendly plants and for free tree planting.
    Tamsin Crane to circulate details of the Woodland Trust scheme for consideration.

185/2019 Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting.

The minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting were approved and signed by the Chairperson.

Proposed: Graham Webb Seconded: Matthew Lowy Resolved: Unanimous

186/2019 Action Checklist from the Previous Meeting – Appendix A.

The action checklist was noted and specific issues reported below:

Additional Consecrated Land.

Ongoing – the Clerk’s work with the Diocese was ongoing.

Conifer Trees that are on the boundary with 85A Barrow Road and Burial Ground / Allotment Hedge.

Shane McAleavey declared a general interest, in that he has utilised Contractor A previously in a personal capacity. After careful consideration of the quotes received, it was resolved to select contractor A for the removal of the trees and trimming of hedge. It was agreed that the conifer trees would not be removed until such time as the land on which they are growing has legally been handed over by Miller Homes.

Proposed: Shane McAleavey Seconded: Colin Arnold Resolved: Unanimous

ACTION: Clerk to arrange suitable date with St Peter’s Church for trimming of the hedges.

Seating at Bus Stops.

ACTION: Claire Woollard to add item to projects list.

Dog Faeces / additional bins.

Ongoing – the requirement for additional bins was being monitored by Tamsin Crane, and further appeal would be made to VOWHDC/Biffa if needed in due course.

Pedestrian Crossing for the High Street (B4016).

Ongoing – after discussion of the potential locations on the High Street, it was resolved to recommend to OCC that the new crossing be located towards the roundabout end of the High Street.

Proposed: Garin Schoonhoven Seconded: Claire Woollard Resolved: Unanimous

ACTION: Garin Schoonhoven to covey suggested location to Richard Webber / OCC Highways.

Pond on Sutton Wick Lane.


ACTION: Deputy Clerk to write risk assessment. Tamsin Crane to draft letters to OCC Highways department and to Thames Water about use of pond as runoff.

Miller Homes, Walnut Meadow.

Ongoing – the Council had carried out an audit and raised this at the meeting on 30th August as reported under item 183/2019 above.

Bins for the Burial Ground.

Ongoing – tt was noted that these bins must be moved as they would be very close to the new row of of burials. Councillors to consider a more permanent location.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to ask the Village Caretaker to move the bins to the corner of the burial ground.


Completed – Tamsin Crane had received a response to the freedom of information request to DEFRA, and had circulated this to the Councillors.

P19/V1669/FUL. Variation of Condition 2 of P16/V1705/FUL to allow the substitution of plan 2904.P.215A with PL.03A to simplify and improve the parking arrangements for the public open space. Land at Manor Farm Drayton.

Completed – Tamsin Crane had clarified with Cala that this application to retain the car park at the entrance to Manor Farm had been formally withdrawn by Cala. The temporary car park would be removed.

Procedure for Unauthorised Caravans / Camper Vans on Parish Council Land.

Completed – Tamsin Crane had prepared and circulated to Councillors a draft template letter for issue to trespassers on Parish Council land.

Vale community awards lunch.

Completed – a nomination had been made.

Deep clean Vale of White Horse.

Completed – Tamsin Crane had asked for residents views via the Drayton Chronicle.

Bees and Trees.

Ongoing – this was under consideration – see item 184/2019 (d).

Free Installation of Full Fibre Broadband (HMG).

Completed – Clerk had responded to OCC proposing the Village Hall, Caudwell Day Centre and St Peter’s Church.

187/2019 Finance & Personnel Committee – Appendix B (Patricia Athawes).

  1. Payments. The list of payments circulated prior to the meeting was approved. The 2 councillors nominated to approve online payments were Patricia Athawes and Shane McAleavey.
  2. Bank Reconciliation. The Council noted the bank reconciliation that had been circulated prior to the meeting.
  3. Disposition of Council Funds. The council noted the disposition of council funds that had been circulated prior to the meeting.
  4. Glanville / Walnut Meadow sports Field Level. On 16th August 2019 Tamsin Crane sent an email to the Glanville Group asking if they could do an elevation report on the Walnut Meadow sports field as the Parish Council is very concerned that the elevation level of the open space is far higher than it should be, which means it is rather unsightly, and impacts the privacy of houses bordering the open space. It was noted that the Council is not willing to take on ownership of this space until it can confirm that it has been built to the agreed plans. It was resolved to approve the £375.00 + VAT payment for the work.

    Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous

    ACTION: Granville will be told that the Council has awarded them the work and Graham Webb will liaise closely with them. Clerk / Deputy Clerk to add item to agendas to investigate increasing the Projects Board spending limit to £1500.00.

188/2019 Public Art Working Group (Pervin Shahin).

It was noted that there is a meeting with Abigail Brown (Arts Development Officer, VWHDC) on 5th September 2019 to discuss the proposed labyrinth and the other arts projects.

ACTION: Tamsin Crane to attend, and ask Abigail Brown about the timing, costs and paperwork involved.

189/2019 Rights of Way & Conservation Working Group.

Rights of Way & Conservation Working Group Chairperson. It was noted that Graham Webb wished to stand down as chairperson and that it would be good if a dog walker could take over this role. It was resolved to appoint Richard Wade as the new chairperson.

Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Claire Woollard Resolved: Unanimous

190/2019 Projects Board Committee (Claire Woollard). Continued.

  1. Vice-chairperson. It was resolved to appoint a Graham Webb as Vice-chairperson.

    Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Colin Arnold Resolved: Unanimous

  2. Projects Board Meeting held on 22nd August 2019. Claire Woollard reported on the meeting. A draft revision of the Terms of Reference will be produced. It was noted that the Council will be updated monthly about project progress

191/2019 Planning Committee – Appendix C. (Matthew Lowy).


192/2019 Pond at Sutton Wick.

This agenda item was deferred to the next meeting.

193/2019 Location of the High Street Pedestrian Crossing (Garin Schoonhoven).

Matter had been discussed earlier in the meeting under: 186/2019 Action Checklist from the Previous Meeting.

194/2019 Council’s Website / Facebook Page.

Garin Schoonhoven expressed an interest in taking a lead in updating the Council’s Website / Facebook Page.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to set Garin Schoonhoven up with access to Council’s Website / Facebook Page.

195/2019 Correspondence.

Bee friendly flower meadow. A Parishioner had emailed to enquire whether the grass stretch of the Steventon road could be turned into a wild/bee friendly flower meadow. Bee friendly planting was discussed under item 184/2019 (d).

196/2019 Items to be noted from Parish Councillors.


197/2019 Dates of the next Meetings.

  1. Finance and Personnel Committee. 16th September 2019. 7:00pm Cauldwell Day Centre.
  2. Projects Board Committee. 19th September 2019. 7:30pm Village Hall.
  3. Planning Committee. 7th October 2019. 7:00pm Cauldwell Day Centre. Tbc.
  4. Parish Council. 7th October 2019. 7:30pm Cauldwell Day Centre.


It was resolved in view of the nature of the business to be transacted that the public and press be temporarily excluded from the meeting (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1).

Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Matthew Lowy Resolved: Unanimous

199/2019 Burial Ground.

The Council discussed matters relating to the consecration of additional land in the burial ground and agreed the next steps.

Proposed: Graham Webb Seconded: Pat Athawes Resolved: Unanimous

The next area of the burial ground to be consecrated was agreed and will be notified to the diocesan office.

The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 10:22pm.


Name:Tamsin Crane

Date: 7th October 2019

Appendix A

Action Check List

Additional Consecrated Land.

Clerk working with the Diocese office to process the application for the Bishop of Dorchester to consecrate additional land at the existing burial ground.

Conifer Trees that are on the boundary with 85A Barrow Road and Burial Ground / Allotment Hedge.

Clerk to arrange suitable date with St Peter’s Church for trimming of hedge. Tamsin Crane to discuss with Church whether Council should also trim the Church’s hedge.

Seating at Bus Stops.

Claire Woollard to add item to projects list.

Dog Faeces.

Clerk ready to order 3 new bins but project stalled due to VWHDC refusal to empty bins at the proposed sites as they do not agree that they are required. Chairperson to monitor the situation to determine if further communication required to VWHDC needed about this. Adrian Cook to follow up with Biffa / Vale.

Pedestrian Crossing for the High Street (B4016).

Garin Schoonhoven to convey suggested location to Richard Webber / OCC Highways.

Pond on Sutton Wick Lane.

Clerk to procure warning signs. Tamsin Crane to write to Thames Water about use of pond as run off, and OCC Highways. Deputy Clerk to write risk assessment.

Bins for the Churchyard.

All Councillors to consider Drayton Parish Council’s policy on plastic. Deputy Clerk to ask the Village Caretaker to move the bins to the corner of the burial ground.

Bees and Trees.

All Councillors to think about potential locations for bee friendly plants and for free tree planting. Tamsin Crane to circulate details of the Woodland Trust scheme for consideration.

Council’s Website / Facebook Page.

Deputy Clerk to set Garin Schoonhoven up with access to Council’s Website / Facebook Page.

Glanville / Walnut Meadow sports Field Level.

Graham Webb to ask for invoice and approve work. Clerk / Deputy Clerk to add item to agenda to investigate increasing the Projects Board spending limit to £1500.00.

Public Art Working Group

Tamsin Crane to attend meeting on Thursday 5th September and ask Abigail Brown about the timing, costs and paperwork involved.

Village Hall Car Park Bins.

Deputy Clerk discuss with the Village Caretaker.

Cala Homes, Manor Farm, Gravel Lane Footpath.

Tamsin Crane to arrange a meeting with Cala Homes to discuss footpath and other issues.

P18/V1547/FUL. Single dwelling house with detached double garage. 208 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN.

Councillors to clarify the position of the red line in PLANNING POLICY P-LF2: BOUNDED DEVELOPMENT.

Appendix B

Finance & Personnel Committee

PAYMENTS: £500 or more

Staff salaries
Village Caretaker
The Landscape Group Oxford

Disposition of Council Funds

Unity Bank
Current Account
Savings Account
Unity Bank
Projects Account

Appendix C

Planning Committee Report


Proposed change of use from agricultural to retail business and repair of garden machinery and accessories. Milton Garden Machinery Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EZ.

PC: Objection:

The Parish Council would like clarification about whether the track that runs to this business is a bridleway or a byway (open to all traffic).

VWHDC: Pending.

P18/V2563/FUL Amendment: No. 1 – dated 23rd October 2018.

Retrospective application for the proposed retention and change of use of an existing building currently used as a dwelling to a lawnmower retail showroom to be used ancillary to the existing authorised lawnmower repair business use. Change of use of agricultural land to business use with additional car parking. Erection of an assembly workshop for mowers and an open framed storage area for mowers. (Description amended 23.10.2018). Milton Garden Machinery Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EZ.

PC: Objection:

The Parish Council would like clarification about whether the track that runs to this business is a bridleway or a byway (open to all traffic).

VWHDC: Pending.


Outline planning application for the demolition of existing buildings, erection of a new office/retail use building and up to 10 new dwellings with provision of associated access, parking and public open space. All matters are reserved for later consideration. Norrington House 22 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL.

PC: Support:

See March’s Planning Minutes for details.

VWHDC: Pending.


Demolish existing single storey side extension. Erect two storey side extension. 73 Abingdon Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HW.

PC: Support.

VWHDC: Planning Permission on 29th July 2019.

P18/V2563/FUL Amendment: No. 3 – dated 15th May 2019.

Retrospective application for the proposed retention and change of use of an existing building currently used as a dwelling to a lawnmower retail showroom to be used ancillary to the existing authorised lawnmower repair business use. Change of use of agricultural land to business use with additional car parking. Erection of an assembly workshop for mowers and an open framed storage area for mowers. (Description amended 23.10.2018) (Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment received 25 March 2019) (Amended location and block plan received 15 May 2019, correcting the red line, to include the highway) Milton Garden Machinery Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EZ. Dead line: 31st May 2019

PC: Objection:

see June 2019 Planning Minutes for details.

VWHDC: Pending.


Proposed first floor extension over existing garage and internal alterations 3 Whitehorns Way Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LL.

PC: Response:

No Objection.

VWHDC: Pending.


Demolition of a pair of semi detached cottages and outbuildings and construction of a new detached dwelling and detached garage. 3 Mill Lane Sutton Courtenay Abingdon OX14 4BE.

PC: No comment.
VWHDC: Pending.

P19/V1251/HH Amendment : No. 1 – dated 19th August 2019.

Proposed first floor extension over existing garage and internal alterations as amended. 3 Whitehorns Way Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LL.

PC: No comment.
VWHDC: Pending.


Adjustment of garden levels. Plot 48 Edward Park Drayton.

PC: Objection:

Drayton Paris Council object to the development covered by planning application P19/V1775/FUL on the following grounds:

  • The increase in soil depth on the garden of plot #48 (and the neigbouring plot to the north as well) has raised the ground level immediately behind houses in Caudwell Close such that the new land level is at the height of the top of the historic wall across the back of these houses. The new development is therefore relying on an historic wall and some poorly constructed prefab concrete slabbing to hold this soil from migrating into the gardens of Caudwell Close.
  • In addition to raising the land level to provide a flat garden for plot 48, the developers have erected a close boarded fence of approximately six feet height on top of the raised soil level. That means the residents in the existing houses in Caudwell Close backing onto the site at this point are faced with an eight foot or so height fence in close proximity to the rear of their houses. This substantially damages the view from those properties on Caudwell Close, more so than the originally approved plan which did not involve elevating the soil level on plot 48.
  • Along the south -eastern edge of Plot 48, the raised garden level is held behind a wall made of unpainted black oxide mill finished girders and ‘railway sleepers’ fitted into the web of the girders. On top of this is again an approximately six foot close boarded fence that is already not vertical because it is footed into the loose fill of the raised garden. This wall and fence towers over the public footpath of Gravel Lane, where once there was an ancient hedgerow and has substantially damaged the nature of the public footpath at this point.
  • At the eastern corner of the plot at the end of the girder and sleeper fence, an existing tree in a conservation area has had the soil around it raised which will be deleterious to the tree’s health, and this tree is now supporting part of the raised land, again which will be deleterious to the health of the tree.
    In addition, Drayton Parish Council would like to make the Vale of the White Horse planning department aware that the nature of the materails used and the quality of the work undertaken is such that the added soil of plot 48 will inevitably wash down into the ditch that serves to drain Gravel Lane, that the fence erected into unstable soil is already not vertical and will become increasingly off vertical as the added soil settles.

For the above reasons, Drayton Parish Council would object to this retrospective planning application and ask that the VoWH planning department rejects this planning application and requires the developers to reinstate the levels as originally approved as part of the original application for the site known as Manor Farm or Edward Park.

VWHDC: Pending.