2019-11-04 – Planning Committee Meeting Minutes

Planning Minutes

held on Monday 4th November 2019 at 7:00pm in the Caudwell Day Centre, Gravel Lane, Drayton, OX144HF


  1. Matthew Lowy (Chairman)
  2. Colin Arnold
  3. Patricia Athawes
  4. Graham Webb

Not Present:

All Councillors were present.

In attendance:

  1. Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk and meeting administrator).


1 member of the public was present.

36/2019 Apologies for Absence.


37/2019 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations and Use of Delegated Powers.


38/2019 Public Participation.


39/2019 Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Planning Meetings

were confirmed with no amendments.

  • Proposed: Patricia Athawes
  • Seconded: Colin Arnold
  • Resolved: Unanimous

40/2019 Old Planning Applications.

The Parish Council’s response to the following planning applications were noted.


Retrospective application for demolition of existing dwelling and development of two new dwellings. Close End House 19 East Way Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JZ.

PC: Objection:

Drayton Parish Council OBJECTS to this planning application as it is considered that splitting development on this site into two parts, thereby avoiding S106 payments on a development that would have increased the number of houses on the site by a number that would have meant S106 would have been payable on the original development, is part of an attempt to avoid the developer contribution that would have been liable on the full site were it developed through a single planning application.


Proposed garage extension and loft conversion. Highfield House Barrow Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4SU.

PC: Response:

It provides a first floor level viewing platform over the neighbouring house and suggesting that it needs screening from that view.


Single dwellinghouse with detached double garage. 208 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN.

PC: Support:

No objection.

41/2019 New Planning Applications.

It was agreed to authorise the Clerk/Deputy Clerk to comment to the VWHDC with Support/Respond/Object to the following planning applications, with reasons or comments agreed at the meeting, in accordance with material planning considerations and the Drayton NDP planning policies.


Outline planning application for the erection of 3 detached dwellings with parking under timber frame car ports on land to the rear of and part of the garden of Norrington House, demolition of the existing garage to facilitate provision of access along existing driveway, landscaping reserved for later determination. Norrington House 22 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL.

PC: Objection:

The original (withdrawn) planning application for this site was for 10 houses and we understand was withdrawn because of the Vale of White Horse confirming that the retail space at the roadward edge of the plot was required to be retained. In the PC opinion, this application for three houses clearly is under using the site and is very likely to be followed by subsequent applications for further development at the rear of the site. The PC consider this appears to be a way of avoiding the requirements to provide social housing by developing the site piecemeal and may also be an attempt to bypass the requirement to retain the retail frontage on the site.


Single storey conservatory to the right side of the property. 1 Monk Close Drayton Oxfordshire OX14 4GW.

PC: Objection:

This is in a conservation area.

P19/V1992/FUL Amendment : No. 2 – dated 25th October 2019.

Demolition of a pair of semi detached cottages and outbuildings and construction of a new detached dwelling and detached garage. (As amended by additional information received on 6 September 2019. Amended plans and documentation received 25 October 2019). 3 Mill Lane Sutton Courtenay Abingdon OX14 4BE.

PC: Response:

This is not within the Drayton Parish Council’s boundary.

42/2019 Late Planning Applications.


Proposed new 3 bedroom dwelling with associated surface parking and creation of new dropped kerb and vehicular access by demolishing a section of the boundary wall (Re-submission of application P16/V2954/FUL). Land adjacent to 3 Church Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JS.

Graham Web declared an interest in this application and did not express an opinion.

PC: Objection:

The development will add extra vehicle movements on a road that is already seriously congested and will have an adverse effect on street parking by reducing the on-street parking on a road that is already seriously overused for residential parking.

Proposed new 3 bedroom dwelling with associated surface parking and creation of new dropped kerb and vehicular access by demolishing a section of the boundary wall (Re-submission of application P16/V2954/FUL). Land adjacent to 3 Church Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JS.

PC: Objection:

The development will involve demolition of a very old boundary wall in a conservation area.

43/2019 Date of the next Meeting.

9th December 2019 at 7:00pm in the Caudwell Day Centre.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 7:19pm



Date: 9th December 2019.