2020-02-03 – Parish Council Meeting Minutes

Table of contents

Parish Council Meeting Minutes

held on Monday 3rd February 2020 at 7:30pm in the Caudwell Day Centre, Gravel Lane, Drayton, OX14 4HF

Drayton Parish Councillors Present:

  1. Tamsin Crane (Chairperson)
  2. Matthew Lowy (Vice Chairperson)
  3. Patricia Athawes (Vice Chairperson)
  4. Richard Wade
  5. Pervin Shahin (arrived at 7:45pm)
  6. Shane McAleavey
  7. Garin Schoonhoven
  8. Irma Vastakaite
  9. Claire Woollard
  10. Graham Webb

Drayton Parish Councillors not present:

All Councillors were present.

In attendance:

  1. Lorraine Watling (Clerk and RFO)
  2. Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk)
  3. Richard Webber (OCC) (arrived at 7:41pm and left at 8:27pm)


5 members of the public were present.

17/2020 Resignation.

It was noted that Colin Arnold has resigned.

18/2020 Apologies for Absence.

Adrian Cooke (VWHDC).

19/2020 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers.

Claire Woollard declared an interest in the Walnut Meadow development.

Tamsin Crane declared an interest in the Manor Farm development.

Garin Schoonhoven and Irma Vastakaite both declared interests in the Dove Cote and allotments.

Richard Wade declared interests in the Millennium Green and allotments.

Richard Webber arrived at 7:41pm.

20/2020 News from OCC Councillor (Richard Webber).

  1. Traffic Calming Including White Lines. It was noted that everything has been agreed, money is about to be transferred, just need to do a final walk around.
  2. Barrier at the end of FP14 where it meets Henleys Lane / Church Lane. It was noted that this is not possible due to underground services.
  3. Pedestrian Crossing on the Abingdon Road (B4017) at Manor Farm / Hilliat Fields. It was noted that discussions with Cala Homes are on going.
  4. Proposed Pedestrian Crossing for the High Street (B4016). This is in the plans but it is not certain when it will be installed.
  5. Pervin Shahin arrived at 7:45pm.

  6. BW3 Closed Bridge: It is uncertain whether this bridge will be re-opened this year
  7. Councillors Priority Fund. It is proposed to use some of this fund to purchase trees so OCC staff will send suggestions about the number and types of trees to be planted. It was noted that all communications about possible projects paid for from this fund need to be channelled through the Parish Clerk.
  8. Parking on Grass Verges.
    ACTION: Richard Webber to find out the cost for installing posts to stop car parking on the Village Green.
  9. Width of the Bloor Dovecote Site Entrance for Adoption by OCC.
    ACTION: Richard Webber to clarify if drawing (DRA-012) detailing the width is the latest drawing.

21/2020 News from VWHDC Councillor.

Andrew Cooke was not present so there was no report.

22/2020 Public Participation.

  1. Drayton Wildlife Group. Tracy Jesson asked if the Parish Council would buy some trees to be planted around the football pitch on 22nd February 2020. Matter continued under item 30/2020 Drayton Wildlife Group.
  2. Group Against Reservoir Development (GARD). Derek Stork (Hon Chairman, GARD) updated the Council.

23/2020 Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting.

The minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting were approved and signed by the Chairperson.
Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous

24/2020 Action Checklists – Appendix A.

Additional Consecrated Land.

It was noted that the ceremony will be held on 6th March 2020 and Patricia Athawes has kindly offered to do a bible reading.

Dog Faeces.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to request more bins and inform the VWHDC of the latest number of people on the electoral roll.
[Clerk’s note: Electors in Drayton was 2,271 in December 2019.]

East Way BW1.

It was noted that Planning Enforcement have issued an Alleged Breach: Non- compliance with Condition 7 of P15V2828FUL bell mouth not completed in accordance with approved plans. Enforcement case reference number: VE20/18. Priority Level: 3.

Sutton Wick Lane, Willow Trees next to the Pond.

It was noted that the Clerk had sought 3 and received 2 quotations for this work. It was resolved that the work be awarded to Jenks who will reduce the trees by 25-35%.
Proposed: Graham Webb Seconded: Richard Wade Resolved: Unanimous

Updating of the NDP.

It was noted that Tamsin Crane has discussed the NDP with Richard Williams and will make a recommendation in due course about next steps on the NDP updating.

25/2020 Finance & Personnel Committee – Appendix B. (Patricia Athawes)

  1. Payments. The list of payments circulated prior to the meeting was approved. The 2 councillors nominated to approve online payments were Patricia Athawes and Graham Webb.
  2. Bank Reconciliation had been circulated prior to the meeting and was noted.
  3. Disposition of Council Funds had been circulated prior to the meeting and was noted.
  4. Finance & Personnel Committee meeting, 20th January 2020. Draft Minutes were noted.
  5. Statement of Internal Control 2019-20. was approved.
    Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Matthew Lowy Resolved: Unanimous
  6. Caretaker Contract. It was noted that 2 quotations for the village caretaking contract had been received that complied with the invitation to quote. These were considered by the Council and it then resolved to appoint Chris Wilmott-Smith as the Village Caretaker for the next three years.
    Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Claire Woollard Resolved: Unanimous
  7. Grass Cutting Contract. It was noted that 5 Grass Cutting quotations were received that complied with the invitation to quote. These were considered by the Council and it then resolved to appoint The Landscape Group Oxford to cut the grass for the next two years – the grass will be collected.
    Proposed: Matthew Lowy Seconded: Tamsin Crane Resolved: 9 for and 1 abstention
  8. Oxfordshire Neighbourhood Plan Alliance (ONPA) Membership. It was resolved to join ONPA (currently £50.00 per annum).
    Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Claire Woollard Resolved: Unanimous

26/2020 Public Art Working Group.

Pervin Shahin’s report was noted. The art works will include a mosaic of a walnut tree on a wall within the Village Hall.

27/2020 Rights of Way & Conservation Working Group (Richard Wade).

Footpath Improvements. It was noted that BW9 is impassable due to mud. It was also noted that OCC still have not responded to the Deputy Clerk’s emails requesting advice on footpath improvements. It was agreed that the PC needs to progress this project with or without OCC’s expert advice.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to ask OCC who the land owners are and then discuss the proposed project with the relevant landowners. Clerk to ask a different OCC contact to advise on footpath improvement specification to be used and whether any approvals will be needed.

28/2020 Projects Board Committee (Claire Woollard).

  1. Meeting with VWHDC held on 22nd January 2020. It was noted that a meeting was held with David Cookson (Infrastructure Implementation Officer, Development and Regeneration, VWHDC), Ruth Cross (Leisure development officer, VWHDC), Richard Williams (Projects Board), Claire Woollard, Clerk and the Deputy Clerk. It was also noted that we may want to scale back the sport facility at Walnut Meadow.
  2. Date of next Projects Board Committee Meeting will be on 13th February 2020.
  3. Manor Farm / Cala Homes. It was noted that there is a site meeting on 5th February 2020.
  4. Walnut Meadow / Miller Homes. It was noted that there is a meeting on 7th February 2020.

29/2020 Planning Committee – Appendix C. (Matthew Lowy).

  1. Retail Working Group. Richard Wade suggested setting up a retail working group.
    ACTION: Deputy Clerk to add item to Project Board agenda.
  2. Appointments. It was agreed to appoint Richard Wade onto the Planning Committee and Projects Board Committee.

30/2020 Drayton Wildlife Group.

It was resolved to authorise Richard Wade to purchase up to £300.00 worth of trees, stakes and mulch and claim money back on expenses.
ACTION: Richard Wade to purchase trees.
Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Claire Woollard Resolved: Unanimous

31/2020 Drayton Green Verge Protection.

Matter discussed under item 20/2020 News from OCC Councillor (g) Parking on Grass Verges.

32/2020 Projector for PC Meetings.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to ask Vicky Malin (Caudwell Day Centre, Chairperson) if there is a projector available and storage space.

33/2020 New Parish Councillor Training Requirements.

It was noted that training is important.

34/2020 Correspondence.

  1. Pot Hole, Bins, Pedestrian Crossing. The Deputy Clerk received an email on 28th January 2020 from a parishioner complaining about a hole in the pavement outside his house, full litter bins at the Village Green bus stops and the state of the pedestrian crossing on the Abingdon Road (B4017) at Manor Farm / Hilliat Fields.
  2. Abingdon Road Footpath Width. The Clerk received an email on 20th January 2020 from a parishioner raising concerns of the width of the footpath along Abingdon Road between Newman’s Lane and Henleys Lane. It was noted that part of the problem is hedges overhanging the footpath.
    ACTION: Tamsin Crane to ask people to cut back their hedges in her Chronicle report.

EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS. In view of the nature of the business to be transacted any members of the public and press would have been temporarily excluded from the meeting (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1). As there were none in attendance this exclusion was not required.

35/2020 Burial Ground.

The Council received an update about the burial ground.

The Council then went back into public session.

36/2020 Allotment Fence.

It was noted that a request to install fencing around an allotment plot has been withdrawn.

37/2020 Items to be noted from Parish Councillors.


38/2020 Dates of the next Meetings.

  1. Projects Board Committee. 13th February 2020. 7:30pm Village Hall.
  2. Planning Committee. 2nd March 2020. 7:00pm Cauldwell Day Centre.
  3. Parish Council. 2nd March 2020. 7:30pm Cauldwell Day Centre.
  4. Finance and Personnel Committee. 20th April 2020. 7:00pm Cauldwell Day Centre.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 10.10pm.



Date: 2nd March 2020

Appendix A

Action Check List

Conifer Trees that are on the boundary with 85A Barrow Road.

To be removed when the land is transferred. Ongoing.

Dog Faeces.

Clerk was ready to order 3 new bins. Action postponed due to VWHDC refusal to empty bins at the proposed sites as they did not think that they are required. Chairperson to monitor the situation to determine if further communication required to VWHDC about this. Cllr Adrian Cook will follow up with Biffa / Vale. Deputy Clerk to report dog poo bags at the end of FP15 to VWHDC and suggest a dog poo bin is installed. Deputy Clerk to request more bins and inform the VWHDC of the latest number of people on the electoral roll.

Sutton Wick Lane, Pond – letters.

The Council decided not to purchase warning signs at this time. Tamsin Crane has sent letters to Thames Water about use of pond as run off, and OCC Highways. Action completed.

Plastic in the Bins at the Churchyard.

Tamsin Crane to write a letter in the Drayton Chronicle urging people not to leave plastic in the burial ground.

Parking on Grass Verges.

Richard Webber to discuss the matter with OCC to try and find a solution and find out the cost for installing posts to stop car parking on the Village Green.

Councillors Priority Fund.

Richard Webber to advise on the type of trees. All Councillors to think about where to plant trees. Ongoing.

Manor Farm / Abingdon Road Over Grown Hedge.

Tamsin Crane to ask for volunteers in the Chronicle and on Facebook. Ongoing.

Footpath Improvements.

Deputy Clerk to ask OCC who the land owners are. Clerk to ask OCC to advise on footpath improvement specification and any authorisations required.

Width of the Bloor Dovecote Site Entrance for Adoption by OCC.

Richard Webber to clarify if drawing (DRA-012) detailing the width is the latest drawing.

Retail Working Group.

Deputy Clerk to add item to Project Board agenda.

Drayton Wildlife Group.

Richard Wade to purchase trees.

Projector for PC Meetings.

Deputy Clerk to ask Vicky Malin (Caudwell Day Centre, Chairperson) if there is a projector available and storage space.

Abingdon Road Footpath Width.

Tamsin Crane to ask people to cut back their hedges in her Chronicle report.


Deputy Clerk to investigate discrepancy between the newly submitted deed plan and the Parish Council being the registered owner of common land 77.

Appendix B

Finance & Personnel Committee

PAYMENTS: £500 or more
Drayton Millennium Green s137 grant
Winkworth Sherwood – professional fees

Disposition of Council Funds
Unity Bank
Current Account
Savings Account
Unity Bank
Projects Account

Appendix C

Planning Committee Report


Adjustment of garden levels. Plot 48 Edward Park Drayton.

PC: Objection:

See September Minutes for details.

VWHDC: Planning Permission on 15th January 2020.


Proposed garage extension and loft conversion. Highfield House Barrow Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4SU.

PC: Response:

It provides a first floor level viewing platform over the neighbouring house and suggesting that it needs screening from that view.

VWHDC: Refusal of Planning Permission on 17th January 2020.


Single dwelling house with detached double garage. 208 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN.

PC: Support:

No objection

VWHDC: Pending.


Outline planning application for the erection of 3 detached dwellings with parking under timber frame car ports on land to the rear of and part of the garden of Norrington House, demolition of the existing garage to facilitate provision of access along existing driveway, landscaping reserved for later determination. Norrington House 22 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL.

PC: Objection:

The original (withdrawn) planning application for this site was for 10 houses and we understand was withdrawn because of the Vale of White Horse confirming that the retail space at the road ward edge of the plot was required to be retained. In the PC opinion, this application for three houses clearly is under using the site and is very likely to be followed by subsequent applications for further development at the rear of the site. The PC consider this appears to be a way of avoiding the requirements to provide social housing by developing the site piecemeal and may also be an attempt to bypass the requirement to retain the retail frontage on the site.

VWHDC: Pending.

P19/V2428/FUL Amendment: No. 1 – dated 29th November 2019.

Single dwelling house with detached double garage (as amended by plans and additional information received on 29 November 2019). 208 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN.

PC: No comment.
VWHDC: Pending.


Proposed new 3-bedroom dwelling with integrated garage and creation of new dropped kerb and vehicular access by demolishing a section of the boundary wall. 3 Church Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JS.

PC: Objection:

The development will add extra vehicle movements on a road that is already seriously congested and will have an adverse effect on street parking by reducing the on-street parking on a road that is already seriously overused for residential parking.

VWHDC: Pending.


Proposed new 3-bedroom dwelling with integrated garage and creation of new dropped kerb and vehicular access by demolishing a section of the boundary wall. 3 Church Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JS.

PC: Objection:

The development will involve demolition of a very old boundary wall in a conservation area.

VWHDC: Pending.


Proposed single storey detached building to provide 2 x 1 bedroom dwellings. 18 Sutton Wick Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HJ.

PC: Objection:

Drayton Parish Council objects for the following reasons: The proposed repositioned driveway is over common land 77 that is registered to Drayton Parish Council. There is a grade 2 listed building next door and the proposed new house is not in keeping with the local area and will decrement the character. There is not enough space for vehicles to manoeuvre into the parking bays. The development will increase traffic. This development is within the proposed conservation area extension.

VWHDC: Pending.


Variation of Condition 2 of P18/V2356/FUL (as amended by application P19/V1162/FUL) for proposed changes to the approved layout. Further information to satisfy conditions 4 – landscaping, 6 – archaeology and 8 – lighting. Installation of a synchronous gas powered standby generation facility, plus ancillary infrastructure and equipment. Land at Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN.

PC: Objection: A major change like this should have a new planning application submitted.
VWHDC: Pending.

P19/V3186/FUL Amendment : No. 1 – dated 20th January 2020.

Proposed new 3 bedroom dwelling with integrated garage and creation of new dropped kerb and vehicular access by demolishing a section of the boundary wall (as amended by plans received on the 20th of January 2020). 3 Church Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JS.

VWHDC: Pending.

Proposed new 3 bedroom dwelling with integrated garage and creation of new dropped kerb and vehicular access by demolishing a section of the boundary wall (as amended by plans received on the 20th of January 2020). 3 Church Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JS.

PC: No comment.
VWHDC: Pending.

P19/V3205/FUL Amendment : No. 1 – dated 17th January 2020.

Proposed single storey detached building to provide 2 x 1 bedroom dwellings (amendment to show land ownership and parking details). 18 Sutton Wick Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HJ. It was noted that there is a land dispute.

PC: No comment.
VWHDC: Pending.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to investigate discrepancy between the newly submitted deed plan and the Parish Council being the registered owner of common land 77.

P19/V3208/LB Amendment : No. 1 – dated 17th January 2020.

Proposed single storey detached building to provide 2 x 1 bedroom dwellings (amendment to show land ownership and parking details). 18 Sutton Wick Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HJ.

PC: No comment.
VWHDC: Pending.