2020-06-01 – Planning Committee Meeting Minutes

Planning Meeting Minutes

of the Remote Meeting held on 1st June 2020 at 7:00pm.


  1. Matthew Lowy (Chairman)
  2. Patricia Athawes
  3. Shane McAleavey
  4. Graham Webb
  5. Richard Wade

Not Present:

All Councillors were present.

In attendance:

  1. Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk and meeting administrator).



There was no April or May meeting due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

24/2020 Apologies for Absence.


25/2020 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations and Use of Delegated Powers.


26/2020 Public Participation.


27/2020 Minutes of the Previous Meeting.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved in the May main meeting.

28/2020 Old Planning Applications.

The Parish Council’s response to the following planning application was noted.


Farm building with access and apron. Land to West of 7 Oday Hill Drayton Abingdon OX14 4AB.

PC: Objection: Drayton Parish Council would like to register their objection to this planning application because of the following observations: a) This development would represent further infill of the essentially open countryside that separates the town of Abingdon and the village of Drayton. This separation is essential to retain Drayton as a discrete village rather than an adjunct suburb of Abingdon. b) One of the advantages stated in the proposal is that it would allow the only remaining farming activity in the village to be moved out, allowing the current buildings in Sutton Wick to be re-developed. The village has already lost most of the farming activity that gave the village its character and it would be deleterious to the village character to lose more of this. c) The current farm buildings form an integral part of the character and environment of that part of Sutton Wick that the Parish Council are proposing to include in the Drayton Conservation Area. d) Any new housing will put more traffic into a junction that is already considered dangerous by many residents and will put more traffic into a road network that is already operating above it’s capabilities. Even if the Vale planning Authorities decide that this development should be permitted, Drayton Parish Council would ask that the recommendations of the County Archaeologist should be made a condition of the planning application.


Provision of a covered horse-riding arena on equestrian land. Stonehill Farm (Riding School) Stonehill Drayton Abingdon OX14 4AA.

PC: Objection: Drayton Parish Council would like to object to this planning application for the following reasons: 1. That the proposed building is going to be visually intrusive due to the ridge height, it will be visible from the main road between Abingdon and Drayton. 2. Is of an inappropriate size for the limited band of open country separating Abingdon and Drayton as the proposed area is around the size of two football fields” and is disproportionate for other buildings on the site.


Erection of single storey extension to the front and side of the property. 37 Whitehorns Way Drayton Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 4LH.

PC: Response: We see no planning reason to object to the development.


It is proposed to provide a 700m long x 3m wide combined cycleway and pedestrian path between Milton Park and Sutton Courtenay. Brook Drive Milton Park Milton OX14 4SD.

PC: Support.

29/2020 New Planning Applications.


New workshop. Windy Ridge, Workshop Rear Of 1 Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EZ.

PC: Objection: Drayton Parish Council objects for the following reasons: (1) the plan documentation as provided is extremely sketchy and does not describe the relation of the existing structure that is being replaced with other structures around it nor does it describe how the existing structures will relate to the new structure that the planning application relates to. A walk past of the site shows that Milton Garden Machinery have lean-to structures that rely on the existing structure that is subject to removal, probably even relying on the existing structure for their back walls. It is impossible to consider that this application can stand in it’s own rights without Milton Garden Machinery also applying to replace their dependent structures. Drayton Parish Council wishes to object to the application on the grounds that the application is not sufficiently clear on the existing structure and it’s relation to other structures that are not part of the planning application. (2) The proposal appears to be a new business operation, that is by it’s nature a business involving vehicular work… an MOT test centre will only be viable with vehicles arriving, departing, waiting and probably remaining on-site for repair. The site is up a bridleway, this is not a suitable access for multiple vehicle accesses per day. There is no parking within the demarcated site plan for vehicles awaiting MOT, awaiting repair or awaiting pickup as the land is currently used for what appears to be scrap vehicles and therefore there is strong probability that the bridleway will be used for parking as well. The Parish Council objects on the basis that the business requires motor vehicle movement over a bridleway where there is no right of passage. (3) The proposal is for another business, and the Parish Council objects on the basis that the proposal is a creeping industrialization of the area. An industrial estate by stealth in the countryside is not appropriate development.

P20/V0550/O Amendment : No. 1 – dated 16th May 2020.

Provision of a covered horse-riding arena on equestrian land (Additional justification received from agent on 16 May 2020). Stonehill Farm (Riding School) Stonehill Drayton Abingdon OX14 4AA.

PC: Objection: Drayton Parish Council’s previous objections have not changed: 1. That the proposed building is going to be visually intrusive due to the ridge height, it will be visible from the main road between Abingdon and Drayton. 2. Is of an inappropriate size for the limited band of open country separating Abingdon and Drayton as the proposed area is around the size of two football fields” and is disproportionate for other buildings on the site.

30/2020 Late Planning Applications.


31/2020 Date of the next Meeting.

6th July 2020. 7:00pm.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 7:22pm


