2021 10 Finance Minutes



Minutes of the Meeting of the Finance and Personnel Committee of Drayton Parish Council held on Tuesday 27th October 2021 remotely, at 6.30pm.

Present: Cllrs Pat Athawes (Chairman), Shane McAleavey, Richard Wade (from 7pm), and Tamsin Crane.

Also in attendance: Lorraine Watling (Clerk/RFO).

Public: None

Minute No.
24/21Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from Cllr Webb.
25/21(a) Declarations of Interest: None. (b) Dispensations received by the Clerk: None
26/21The Minutes of the Meeting of 28th September 2021: The minutes from the meeting held on 28th September 2021 were Approved as a true record. Proposed: Cllr McAleavey Seconded: Cllr Crane Resolved (unanimous by those in attendance).
27/21Audit requirements: The Committee considered the following matters: The Appointment of the Internal Auditor for 2021-2022. The Clerk had spoken to IAC Auditors who confirmed that their rates will be the same as in 2020-2021. Cllr Athawes, proposed, Cllr Crane seconded the motion, and the F&P committee Recommended to Council that IAC be appointed as the internal auditors for a period of 3 years at a cost of £365 plus VAT for an on-site audit, less a 5% discount (as the Council will be appointing them for a three-year period). The report prepared by the Clerk/RFO on the Effectiveness of the Internal Audit. The F&P Committee received and considered a draft ‘Internal Audit Policy Reviewing the Effectiveness of Internal Audit’ presented by the Clerk. Cllr Crane proposed, Cllr Wade seconded the motion and the F&P Committee Recommended the Internal Audit Policy to Council subject to the Chair reviewing it in detail first to ensure clarity. Risk Analysis policy document. The F&P reviewed the risk assessment policy document that had been updated by the Clerk. Cllr Wade proposed, Cllr McAleavey seconded the motion and the F&P Committee Recommended the updated Risk Analysis Policy to Council. It was noted that the updating of the asset register and annual walk round to check the assets would be done after the Walnut installation had been completed. Action: Clerk and Chair to discuss and agree the best way of doing the physical check of the assets this year.
28/21Budget Review: To F&P Committee received and considered the budget review that had been prepared by the Clerk. Cllr Athawes, proposed, Cllr McAleavey seconded the motion, and the F&P committee Recommended the reviewed budget to Council for adoption.
29/21Expenses Payment for Plants made by a Cllr: The Committee noted that Cllr Shahin had had to use her personal credit card to purchase the plants and shrubs for the Walnut Art installation totalling £714.61 after the landscaping contractors told her that they were unable to access their business funds to do so. It was recognised that, due to the timing of this disclosure by the contractors, and the urgency of the purchase that Cllr Shahin had been put in a difficult position and so this purchase had been unavoidable. The Clerk noted that an expenses claim and an invoice containing the VAT information would be required to be submitted by Cllr Shahin. It was noted that funding the funding for the plants had already been received as part of a s106 grant and so was approved expenditure. The F&P Committee recommended to Council that this expenses claim and the associated receipt be approved.

Reserved Business: Exclusion of the Public and Press. In view of the nature of the business to be transacted any members of the public and press were temporarily excluded from the meeting (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1).
30/21Burial Ground
Covenant and Funeral Director Debt. The Parish Council received and noted an update. Covenant: The Clerk, Chair and two Vice Chairs comprise an authorised group that has delegated authority under Standing Order No: 3(y) to progress emergency matters if required. They are all members of the Finance and Personnel Committee and were all present at the remote F&P meeting. Following discussion, the group used their delegated powers to authorise expenditure of up to £5k, if required, to progress an urgent matter and then report the use of the delegation to full Council at the next meeting.
31/21Miller Homes There was nothing new to note at this meeting.

The Council then went back into public session.
Any Other Business: There was no other business so the meeting closed.

The date of the next meeting. The next Finance and Personnel Committee meeting is scheduled to be held on 23rd November 2021.

The meeting concluded at 8.05pm

Signed: Pat Athawes (Chairman, Finance and Personnel Committee)