2021 10 Minutes

Drayton Parish Council Minutes

of the meeting held on 12th October 2021 at 7:30pm in the Caudwell Day Centre

Councillors Present: Tamsin Crane (Chairperson) (arrived at 7:35pm), Patricia Athawes (Vice Chairperson), Richard Wade (Vice Chairperson), Pervin Shahin (left at 8:54pm), Shane McAleavey, Graham Webb.

Councillors Not Present: Susan Harris.

In attendance: Lorraine Watling (Clerk and RFO), Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk), Andrew Cooke (VWHDC), Richard Webber (OCC). Jon Fowler (Program Manager).

Public: 6 members of the public were present.

Richard Wade assumed the chair as Tamsin Crane was not present.

152/2021 Apologies for Absence. Susan Harris, Pervin Shahin (early departure).

153/2021 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers.

a) Declarations of Interest. Susan Harris has a general interest in the Manor Farm development as she lives on this development. Tamsin Crane has a general interest in the Manor Farm development as she lives on this development. Richard Wade has a general interest in the Millennium Green because he is a member of the Millennium Green Trust Committee, and in the Allotments site as his wife rents an allotment. Graham Webb declared a general interest in the allotment site as he lives near the allotments.

b) Use of Delegated Powers. Tamsin Crane and Lorraine Watling used Delegated Powers to authorise the expenditure required to engage a professional horticulturist to assess the work commissioned by the developers of Manor Farm, and for solicitor’s fees.

154/2021 Cllr Vacancies. It was noted that there are still 4 vacancies. 1 to be filled by co-option and 3 to be filled by election. A new election will be held within 35 working days of Thursday 30 September 2021 on a date to be decided by the Returning Officer. It was noted that 2 people had expressed an interest.

155/2021 Public Participation.

a) P21/V2176/FUL. Development of a brownfield site in Drayton to provide 9 purpose built houses to modern space and environmental standards. Land at Kiln Lane Drayton OX14 4FE. A number of parishioners addressed the Parish Council and expressed numerous objections to this planning application. It was noted that the applicants had only applied for 9 houses and therefore did not have to include any affordable housing in their proposals. Residents were also unhappy that they had only been given 3 weeks in which to express their objections to the planning department. These concerns were noted by the parish council.

Tamsin Crane arrived at 7:35pm.

b) Wildlife Group. A resident involved in the Wildlife Group was asked whether the group might be able to survey the trees on parish council, and suggest any that might benefit from having a Tree Protection Order placed on them. The Wildlife Group representative reported on the recent work that the group had undertaken. This included tree, plant, bulb and wildflower seed planting. She also outlined the groups plans for future planting in the near future. It was noted that the bio-degradable tree guards had not lasted as long as anticipated, and that quite a few of the young trees that they had planted had died. It was thought that some of this was due to weather conditions, and that others might have been strimmed in error. Cllr Webber noted that the District Council was currently looking for sites on which to plant new trees and would invite suggestions.

The Chair of the Parish Council thanked the residents for coming to the meeting, and the Wildlife Group for their work within the parish. It was noted that there would be a planting session taking place on the Village Green on Friday 22nd October 10.30am – 12.30pm, as part of the walnut art installation, and everyone was welcome to come and take part.

156/2021 Report from OCC Councillor Richard Webber.

a) Steventon, Sutton Courtney and Milton Development Group. It was noted that the parishes of Steventon, Sutton Courtney, and Milton had formed a development group, which Richard Webber suggested that Drayton should join. He will send an invitation for a Parish Councillor to join the group to represent Drayton.

b) Road to Sutton Courtenay B4016. It was noted that increased traffic numbers were using this road, and that there were safety concerns about speeding cars. The new relief road should help reduce the traffic volumes for the next 10 years. Cllr Webber suggested that there was little benefit from undertaking additional traffic surveys, as speeding was already recognised as a problem. He said that solutions were required, such as reducing the speed limit from 40mph to 30mph along this stretch of road. It was noted that this year Richard Webber will be using his Cllr priority fund on mobile Speed Indictor Devices (SID’s) or Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS’s) for use in Drayton, Milton and Sutton Courtney.

c) Neighbourhood Development Plan / OCC. It was noted that OCC will be giving Neighbourhood Development Plans more support. Cllr Webber is pushing for an officer to be appointed whose job would be to collate and redirect highways issues and ensure that they were addressed.

d) Walnut Meadows Road Adoption. The current problem is that OCC does not own the land. Cllr Webber noted that a co-ordinated approach was required. It was noted that Miller Homes had been bought by Bridgepoint – a huge organisation that already owned brands such as Hobby Craft, Burger King and some care homes.

e) Manor Farm Raised Pedestrian Crossing. It was noted that the PC had recently met with OCC Highways about the High Street crossing. A meeting about the raised pedestrian crossing will be held on the coming Friday.

f) Light Pollution from Street Lights. It was noted that the LED street lighting in Drayton was very bright, although I was possible to change the intensity of the light and also the colour. It was also noted that there were safety concerns due to overhanging trees blocking six of the street lights on the north side of the High Street. Cllr McAleavey had reported this on Fix My Street.

157/2021 Report from VWHDC Councillor Adrian Cooke.

a) Sports Field / Miller Homes. It was noted that a meeting with Miller Homes was held on 6th October 2021.

b) Garden Waste Collection. It was noted that garden waste collections have resumed.

c) Reservoir. It was noted that the VWHDC have commented on the consultation.

d) Universal Credit Uplift. It was noted that the VWHDC had written to the Government and asked that it be restored.

158/2021 Public Art (Pervin Shahin).

a) Walnuts Shaped Bollards on the Village Green. It was noted that Andrew Mckeown (Artist) will choose the location of the walnuts and install the half walnuts on 18th October 2021, and the full walnuts on 19th October 2021. On 20th October 2021 there will be a tidy up and on 21st October 2021 South Abingdon Landscape Services will landscape the Village Green. On 22nd October 2021 the planting of the shrubs will take place as part of a morning celebrating the installation. A local resident will take photos, a three-piece band will play and there will be a coffee and cake stall under a gazebo.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to see what safety barriers Vickery’s can supply, and publicise the shrub planting day on Facebook.

b) Entrance Gate Signs. It was noted that there are issues regarding the 30mph limit sign. The signs cannot be integrated with the 30mph signage – they must be kept separate.

159/2021 Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting. The minutes of the previous Parish Council meetings were approved and signed by the Chairperson.

Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous

Pervin Shahin left at 8:54pm.

Wi-Fi in the Caudwell Centre was raised as a matter arising. It was suggested that a dongle and SIM might be a good option, at an approximate cost of £15 a month.

160/2021 Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group (Graham Webb).

It was noted that the Programme Manager’s monthly report had been circulated prior to the meeting and the following was noted.

a) OCC Highways. The report from the meeting held on 4th October 2021 with OCC Highways was noted. OCC need to supply costs for the various projects.

b) Project Scoping Documents. Councillors need to send their feedback on the various documents back to the Programme Manager.

c) Walnut Meadow Sports Field. The report from the meeting held on 6th October 2021 with Miller Homes was noted. In the Planning Committee Meeting that had been held immediately before the Parish Council it had been resolved to ask that some conditions be applied to the Miller Homes planning application: See appendix B for details of the conditions.

161/2021 Action Checklist from the Previous Meeting was reviewed and updated. The following point was noted.

a) S106 Footpath Improvement. It was agreed to apply to draw down S106 funds to improve FP9 and BW29.

b) Communications Strategy. A communications strategy is currently under development, and will then be sent to the Clerk for comment as she has a background in marketing.

c) School Street Scheme: The school will ask parents if they would support a ban on cars parking by the school during drop off and collection times, but noted that only a few people park by the school.

162/2021 Finance and Personnel Committee (Patricia Athawes). See Appendix A.

a) Payments.

  1. The list of payments had been circulated prior to the meeting and was noted.
  2. The payments to be made following the meeting were approved.

Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous

  1. The two councillors authorised by the Council to approve the online payments this month were Patricia Athawes and Shane McAleavey. They were also authorised to approve any payments that are required to be made before the next meeting.

b) Bank Statement and Reconciliation. These had been circulated prior to the meeting and were noted.

c) Disposition of Council Funds. This had been circulated prior to the meeting and was noted.

d) Draft Minutes of the Finance & personnel Committee Meeting held on 28th September 2021 were noted.

e) External Audit. The Conclusion of Audit report from the External Auditor was received and noted.

f) Budget 2021-22 update. The budget position as at the end of September 2021 was received and noted.

g) Budget 2022-23. It was noted that the budget for 2022-23 will start to be considered at the next Finance & personnel Meeting on 26th October 2021.

h) Churchyard Maintenance. It was resolved to approve the grant application from St Peters Church for £2,250.00 for churchyard maintenance.

Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous

i) Projects Account. Item deferred to the next meeting.

j) Football Pitch Grass Cutting. It was noted that the grass cutting contract allows for two cuts per month between April and October and one extra cost, if required in either March or November. There is no provision for any other additional cuts outside of this season. The Drayton Wasps will be playing football throughout Autumn and Winter and so the pitches will need to be cut. It will cost £50.00 + vat per visit to cut/collect the grass on the football pitch. November to March is five months and the pitch would be cut twice a month so the cost would be £100 x 5, a total cost of £500 plus VAT. It was resolved to approve a budget of £500.00 for winter cuts of the Football Field.

Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Tamsin Crane Resolved: Unanimous

k) Equipment for PC Meetings. It was agreed to look at the possibility of buying a TV to be used to show information during PC meetings.

ACTION: Richard Wade to consult the Caudwell Day Centre booking secretary about this matter.

l) Local Government Pension Scheme Policies. The Drayton pension policies that must be notified to OCC by 31st October 2021 were received, considered and approved by the Council.

m) Burial Ground Tree and Hedge Work. It was noted that the beach hedges in the churchyard need pruning. The hedge that borders the allotment site is encroaching onto some of the memorials. The hedge along the footpath near the allotments is also encroaching upon the footpath. The PC is confident that the Landscaping Group (Oxford) does a good job, is reasonably priced and is aware of the needs of the Council.It was resolved to approve the estimate 2 people for 2 days to complete the works £680.00 + vat, this cost includes disposal cost. Total for tree work and hedge cutting: £930.00 plus VAT

Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Tamsin Crane Resolved: Unanimous

162/2021 Planning Committee (Graham Webb). See Appendix B.

It was noted that the Parish Council will be objecting to planning application P21/V2622/O. Outline planning application for up to 80 residential dwellings (including up to 35% affordable housing), and 0.46 hectares for a C2 extra care facility (up to 30 units). The introduction of structural planting and landscaping, public open space and children’s play area, sustainable urban drainage system, and associated ancillary works. All matters to be reserved with the exception of the main site access. Land off Abingdon Road Steventon.

Reserved Business. Exclusion of the Public and Press. In view of the nature of the business to be transacted any members of the public and press were temporarily excluded from the meeting (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1).

163/2021 Burial Ground Covenant. An update about the covenant was noted.

End of Reserved Business.

164/2021 Items to be noted from Parish Councillors. None.

165/2021 Date of the next Meetings. 9th November 2021.

The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 10:13pm

Signed: Date:


Appendix A

Finance & Personnel Committee

Payments of £500 or more since the last meeting


Staff Salaries 2,239.51

Caretaker – C Willmott-Smith 655.00

Staff Pensions 737.91

Andrew McKeown – walnut art installation 8,400.00


Disposition of Council Funds as at 01st October 2021


Unity Bank 674 £292,193.20 0% Current Acct

NS&I 779 £20,487.64 0.01% Savings Acct

Unity Bank 554 £15,185.52 0.10% Projects Acct

Total £327,866.36

Appendix B

Planning Committee Applications

P21/V1900/HH. Two storey rear extension, single storey side extension and erection of new detached garage with annexe above. October House 64 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JR. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P21/V1924/FUL. Hybrid Planning application: Formation of sports pitches with associated ground works, drainage and landscaping (Full application) and sports pavilion with associated car parking and access (outline application with all matters reserved except access). Land West of Abingdon Road Drayton. PC: Objection: See September’s minutes for comment. VWHDC: Pending.
P21/V1680/HH. Single storey extension at rear of the house. White flat roof and two roof windows. 22 Hilliat Fields Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JQ. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P21/V2122/HH. Extend our existing dropped curb to enter our drive way. 10 Crabtree Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HS. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P21/V2176/FUL. Development of a brownfield site in Drayton to provide 9 purpose built houses to modern space and environmental standards. Land at Kiln Lane Drayton OX14 4FE. PC: Objection: See September’s minutes for comment. VWHDC: Pending.
P21/V2203/HH. Erection of new timber frame double garage to front of 122 Abingdon Rd. 122 Abingdon Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HT. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P21/V2219/HH. Two storey and single storey extensions and alterations to the house and garage, replacement greenhouse and new loggia in the garden. The Old Vicarage 11 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P21/V1924/FUL Amendment: No. 1 – dated 18th August 2021. Hybrid Planning application: Formation of sports pitches with associated groundworks, drainage and landscaping (Full application) and sports pavilion with associated car parking and access (outline application with all matters reserved except access). (Retrospective). Land West of Abingdon Road Drayton. PC: Objection: See September’s minutes for comment. VWHDC: Pending.
P21/V2502/LB. Proposed replacement windows. Old Lodge 31 Henleys Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HU. PC: Pending. VWHDC: Pending.
P21/V2215/FUL. Provision of storage and landscaping to the rear (retrospective). 1-2 Bradfield Court Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EF. PC: Objection: The Parish Council understands that the premises are used as a commercial recording studio and we have concerns that the additional patio doors and outside area may exacerbate noise pollution to the neighbouring residents during antisocial hours. VWHDC: Pending.
P21/V1924/FUL Amendment: No. 2 – dated 7th September 2021. Hybrid Planning application: Formation of sports pitches with associated groundworks, drainage and landscaping (Full application) and sports pavilion with associated car parking and access (outline application with all matters reserved except access). (Retrospective). Land West of Abingdon Road Drayton. PC: Objection: Drayton Parish Council’s previous objections have not changed. In addition, the PC considers that the new levels are so much higher than originally because of the illegal burying of site waste and importation of spoil and material from elsewhere. The PC has been advised by Sport England that this makes the land, as it stands, is unsuitable for sports activity and that they would expect to see Environment Agency certification for what was brought in. VWHDC: Pending.
It was resolved to agree in principle with this planning application, subject to the following conditions: 1. Miller Homes to remove from site all stone, brick, concrete, wood, wire, pipes debris, rubbish, weed roots and foreign matter of any kind above a maximum dimension of 150mm from the sub-soil formation layer to a depth of 225mm. The sub-soil shall be evenly graded to the appropriate formation levels below the finished levels of the top soil, i.e. in the case of grass areas 150mm and for shrub planting areas 450mm. All sub-soil areas shall be broken up to a depth of 150mm immediately prior to top soiling. Allow for removing all vegetative matter and other rubbish from the areas concerned before laying top soil.
2. All imported fill material shall be free from metal, vegetable matter and any toxic wastes or pollutants. Rocks of limited size will be permissible provided that the dimension does not exceed 50mm
3. Miller Homes shall indemnify and hold harmless, Drayton Parish Council from and against all damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including legal fees) claims, actions and proceedings, fines and penalties suffered or incurred by the Parish Council arising out of or in connection with Miller Homes failing to comply with its obligations set out at 1 and 2 above
4. Miller Homes to install the required drainage for the sports pitch
5. Miller Homes to leave the sports pitch in such a state as to allow Drayton Parish Council to lay sports turf according to their specifications
P20/V0130/FUL. Replacement floodlights. (Retrospective). Drayton Park Golf Club Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LA. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P21/V2622/O. Outline planning application for up to 80 residential dwellings (including up to 35% affordable housing), and 0.46 hectares for a C2 extra care facility (up to 30 units). The introduction of structural planting and landscaping, public open space and children’s play area, sustainable urban drainage system, and associated ancillary works. All matters to be reserved with the exception of the main site access. Land off Abingdon Road Steventon. PC: Objection: The addition of 80 dwellings feeding out onto the Abingdon Road in Steventon would inevitably increase traffic volumes on the B4017 through Drayton, which is already very busy during peak times and becomes severely busy when there are problems on the A34 or in Abingdon. The junction onto the B4017 is in a 40mph speed limit in an area that often has parked cars obscuring to view of drivers leaving Steventon. The extra vehicle movements would add to the dangers. The footpath along the B4017 is the only route between the villages of Drayton and Steventon and is regularly used by pedestrians. The path is very narrow with the road on one side and a drainage ditch on the other. Additional traffic, plus the need to cross the junction at the entrance to the development would make an already dangerous route even worse. Additional houses in the Steventon/Drayton area would put further pressure on public services, particularly primary school places. The development represents an intrusion into the open space between Drayton and Steventon. Drayton’s NDP seeks to prevent further ribbon development outside the current built up area of the village. Clearly there is a danger however that proposals such as this one, outside the built area of Steventon contribute to what could eventually see the two villages merge. VWHDC: Pending.