2022 4 Minutes

Drayton Parish Council Minutes

of the meeting held on 12th April 2022 at 7:00pm in the Caudwell Day Centre

Councillors Present: Tamsin Crane (Chairperson), Patricia Athawes (Vice Chairperson), Richard Wade (Vice Chairperson), Pervin Shahin, Caroline Green, Graham Webb.

Councillors Not Present: Susan Harris, Robert Taylor.

In attendance: Lorraine Watling (Clerk and RFO), Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk), Jonathan Fowler (Programme Manager), Richard Webber (OCC) from 7.10pm, Adrian Cooke (VWHDC).

Public: 3 members of the public were present.

60/2022 Apologies for Absence. Robert Taylor, Susan Harris.

61/2022 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers.

Request for a Dispensation. It was resolved to approve a dispensation request from Robert Taylor to be excused from Parish Council meetings for a period of 6 months.

Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous

62/2022 Resignations. It was noted that Shane Mcaleavey and Clifford Hutton had resigned from the Council. Drayton is entitled to 11 Parish Councillors so there is currently 3 vacancies. It was resolved to invite Shane McAleavey to continue as a member of the Traffic Calming Working Group.

Proposed: Graham Webb Seconded: Richard Wade Resolved: Unanimous

ACTION: Graham Webb to invite Shane McAleavey to rejoin the Traffic Calming Working Group.

63/2022 Public Participation. None.

64/2022 Report from VWHDC Councillor (Andy Cooke).

a) P21/V2176/FUL. Development of a brownfield site in Drayton to provide 9 purpose built houses to modern space and environmental standards. Land at Kiln Lane Drayton OX14 4FE. It was noted that this planning application will be discussed at the Vale’s Planning Committee on 20th April 2022. It was agreed that Richard Wade should speak at the meeting on behalf of the Parish Council.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to register Richard Wade to Speak at the Vale’s Planning Committee on 20th April 2022.

b) Reservoir. It was noted that the Water Resources South East (WRSE) appeared to be listening, and accepting that everything should be ‘red teamed’ (this team would have the objective of subjecting an organisation’s plans, programmes, ideas and assumptions to rigorous analysis and challenge).

c) Homes for Ukraine. It was noted that there was a lot confused messaging from the government about support for the people from Ukraine and how it could be delivered.

County Cllr Richard Webber arrived at this point.

Matter continued under 65/2022 Report from OCC Councillor a).

65/2022 Report from OCC Councillor (Richard Webber).

a) Homes for Ukraine. It was noted that the procedure for helping refugees was being signposted through OCC, and information was available on the web site. It was noted that the process was currently being held up because the government funding had not yet been received.

b) Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS). It was noted that two mobile VAS signs will be installed between Drayton and Sutton Courtney. Richard Webber asked that the Parish Council send him confirmation of its support for this project. He will request the same from Sutton Courtney PC.

c) Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) / Didcot Thames Link Road. It was noted that he will be attending a series of meetings about this project. Cllr Webber aims to make the discussions as open and transparent as possible. It was noted by a Cllr that some of the proposed HIF road would cross and bury some lovely rights of way.

d) Walnut Meadow Road Adoption. The Chairperson thanked Cllr Webber for attending a recent public meeting. Cllr Webber was confident that OCC will eventually adopt the road. It was noted that the management committee for the Walnut Meadows development had not yet been established.

e) Walnut Meadows Land Elevations. The Parish Council held an extraordinary planning committee meeting on 1st April 2022 to discuss the land elevations in the most recent hybrid application that the developer Millers had submitted to the VWHDC. It was noted that the Parish Council Planning Committee cannot currently withdraw its objections to the Hybrid planning application P21/V1924/FUL until it has sight of an agronomist report that it will be commissioning to consider drainage issues in light of buried waste on site. It was hoped that the VWHDC would not make a decision on the basis of its own agronomists report, but would wait to see the other report that is being commissioned by the PC. It was suggested that tilling to a depth of 300mm would reveal the smaller items of debris.

It was noted that the Programme Manager had arranged a meeting with Sport England to discuss pitches.

f) 20mph Speed Limits. It was agreed that if Drayton has a 20mph limit it should be throughout the village.

66/2022 Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were approved.

Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous

67/2022 Action Checklist. See Appendix B of minutes of March meeting.

a) Entrance Gate signs. Update to be provided under 69/2022.

b) Street Lighting.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to ask OCC Highway if street lights can be dimmed.

c) Fly Tipping in the Burial Ground. It was noted that the grave digger was currently leaving the excess soil and stones that resulted from his work, and that this was becoming a problem for the Parish Council and so cannot continue.

ACTION: Clerk will write to the funeral directors who regularly use the burial ground, to advise them that from now on all surplus soil etc. must be removed from the burial ground by the grave digger. The PC’s cemetery regulations will also be updated to include this requirement.

d) Walnut Meadow Sports Pitch Requirements. Tamsin Crane reported on the recent public meeting.

e) New Bench. It was noted that there is still a bench to be installed. It was resolved to offer it to the Millennium Green Trust.

Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous

ACTION: Richard Wade to offer the bench to the Millennium Green Trust. If they do not wish to accept the new bench it will be temporarily installed in the burial ground.

f) Walnut Meadow Street Lights. It was noted that under the current agreements the Parish Council would be responsible for the new street lights in Walnut Meadow. This would be an extremely unusual situation, and is not something that the PC wants to do. The PC will therefore need to submit a deed of change. This will need to be agreed before the land is handed over, so that the responsibility for the street lights passes to OCC in the usual way.

g) S106 Footpath/Cycle Improvements. It was noted that Drayton Construction had produced the risk assessment and method statement required for this project, and that the improvement work was being done.

ACTION: Richard Wade will ask Drayton Construction not to post any items on social media about the path improvements. The PC will do so and credit them for their work.

68/2022 Finance and Personnel Committee (Patricia Athawes). See Appendix A.

a) Payments.

i) The list of payments had been circulated prior to the meeting and was noted.

ii) The payments to be made following the meeting were approved.

iii) The two councillors authorised by the Council to approve the online payments this month were Patricia Athawes and Graham Webb. They were also authorised to approve any payments that are required to be made before the next meeting.

b) Bank Statement and Reconciliation. These had been circulated prior to the meeting and were noted.

c) Disposition of Council Funds. This had been circulated prior to the meeting and were noted.

d) End of Year Update. The end of year reports for 2021-22 was noted. The underspend will need to be moved into appropriate ear marked reserves – this matter will be discussed at the next Finance and Personnel Committee meeting and a recommendation bought to council.

e) Audits. It was noted that nothing further had been received from the internal auditor, but the PC had received the AGAR forms and requirements from the external auditor.

f) Payment of Salary Increments. It was agreed to pay the increments due to two of the staff. It was noted that in future the staff appraisals should be held beforehand. The dates for the annual appraisals will be agreed between the Chairperson of the Finance and Personnel Committee and the staff.

ACTION: Patricia Athawes to arrange the staff appraisal meetings for the employees of the council.

g) Agronomist Feasibility Study. Three quotes had been sought and two quotes returned, but further work is required in order to make a comparison between them. It was resolved to approve a budget of up to £5,000.00 so that:

– the Drayton Neighbourhood Plan Working Group can discuss further and make a recommendation about the contractor to engage to produce the agronomists report

– the Clerk and Chairman of the Finance and Personnel Committee can then use delegated authority to consider and approve the recommendation of the DNP Working Group

– the order for the work can then be placed.

Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Tamsin Crane Resolved: Unanimous

h) Content Sharing Briefing Paper. It was resolved to approve the purchase of a Mi-FI box to enable content sharing at Parish Council and other meetings. It would require a one off cost of £39.99 and then a monthly subscription of £12 per month.

Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous

ACTION: The Programme Manager to speak to the Cauldwell Day Centre management team about the possibility of installing a television at the centre, and to confirm the associated insurance requirements.

69/2022 Public Art (Pervin Shahin).

Entrance Gate Signs. It was resolved to approve the latest design contract for the village entrance signs. The contract allows for two iterations of the design. It was agreed that there should only be 3 signs, 1 per entrance to the village.

Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous

The Council was happy to retain the existing white gates.

ACTIONS: Deputy Clerk to print contract and pass to Tamsin Crane for signature. He will then send one copy to the artists and pass the other to the Clerk. Programme Manager to ask OCC about the possibility of having new Drayton signs at the three entrances that omit the word ‘village’, and any costs involved.

70/2022 Planning Committee (Graham Webb). See Appendix C.

Graham Webb’s report was noted.

71/2022 Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group (Graham Webb).

S106 Footpath/Cycle Improvements. Matter discussed under 67/2022 Action Checklist. f).

72/2022 Communications Strategy. A draft communications strategy produced by the Programme Manager was discussed. It was noted that the need for this strategy had not previously been discussed by full Council and so needed further consideration. The Clerk asked that in future all policies and procedures be actioned through her as it was part of her job. During the subsequent discussions social media as a means of Council communication was discussed. During the discussions Cllr Green agreed to become the Cllr leading on Council communications, and to work with the Clerk to create a planned schedule of communications with input from the Programme Manager. Council communications will be discussed further at the next meeting.

73/2022 Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations (Pervin Shahin).

a) Organiser. It was resolved that the Parish Council will lead in the organisation of the Queens Platinum Jubilee community event in the parish.

Proposed: Pervin Shahin Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: 5 for and 1 against

b) Risk Assessment. It was noted that Tamsin Crane will produce the risk assessment that is required in order for the event to be covered by the parish council’s public liability insurance.

c) Budget. It was resolved to approve a maximum budget of £800.00 to cover the cost of a marquee, Jubilee mugs, entertainment at the event, and an events licence.

Proposed: Pervin Shahin Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: 5 for and 1 against

d) Authorisation for the Clerk. It was agreed to authorise the Clerk to pay the invoices for the items at (c) including a donation to the musicians for expenses, from the agreed budget.

74/2022 WWI Commemorative Trees. Some initial suggestions were discussed. Matter deferred to the next meeting.

75/2022 Tree Planting (Pervin Shahin). There are some young trees available free of charge to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. These would be ready for planting in the Autumn. It was noted that the parish council also has access to some s106 funds for trees. It was noted that investigations would need to be made into the underground pipes in the village green area, so as not to disturb them when planting the trees. ACTION: Pervin Shahin to seek recommendations about how closely trees could be planted. Matter deferred to the next meeting for discussion when further information was available.

76/2022 Care of the Planters on the Village Green (Pervin Shahin). Cllr Shahin has planted up the planters and will organise a rota of volunteers to water them regularly. It was suggested that the floral displays would need to be changed seasonally to keep them looking attractive.

ACTION: Pervin Shahin to enquire if local businesses would like to sponsor the planters.

77/2022 Village Green Plants. (Pervin Shahin). Matter deferred to the next meeting.

Reserved Business. Exclusion of the Public and Press. In view of the nature of the business to be transacted any members of the public and press were temporarily excluded from the meeting (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1).

78/2022 Burial Ground Covenant. An update about the covenant was noted.

79/2022 Funeral Director Debt. It was noted that the debt is still unpaid. It was noted that this funeral director is not one of the local companies who regularly help bereaved Drayton families. The funeral director who owes the parish council money will no longer be allowed to operate in the Drayton Burial Ground.

80/2022 Miller Homes. Item discussed earlier in the meeting.

End of Reserved Business.

81/2022 Items to be noted from Parish Councillors.

Walnut Meadow. It was noted that a resident had removed a bollard but did not replace it. When they subsequently installed a new fence, they may have installed it in the wrong place and thereby gained some land, so this needs checking. ACTION: Richard Wade to take a look and report back.

82/2022 Date of the next Meetings. Tuesday 10th May 2022.

NB The Annual Parish Meeting will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 26th April 2022 in the Caudwell Day Centre – all residents are invited to attend.

The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 10:12pm

Signed: Date:


Appendix A

Finance & Personnel Committee

Payments of £500 or more since the last meeting


Staff Salaries 2,843.18

Surrey Hills Solicitors – professional services 880.00

OCC LPGS Pension Scheme 853.37

Disposition of Council Funds as at 31st March 2022


Unity Bank 674 £261,127.96 0% Current Acct

NS&I 779 £20,489.69 0.01% Savings Acct

Unity Bank 554 £15,194.70 0.10% Projects Acct

Total £296,812.35

Appendix B

Actions Checklist

Street lighting. Deputy Clerk to ask OCC Highway if street lights can be dimmed.

Fly Tipping in the Burial Ground. Cllr Webber agreed to ask Cllr Cooke to contact the Clerk about the possibility of borrowing some mobile cameras in order to try to catch the perpetrators if they return. Excess Soil from Excavations. Clerk will write to the funeral directors who regularly use the burial ground, to advise them that from now on all surplus soil etc. must be removed from the burial ground by the grave digger. Clerk to draft update to Cemetery Regulations.

New Benches and Planters. Richard Wade to offer the bench to the Millennium Green Trust.

Resignations. Graham Webb to invite Shane McAleavey to rejoin the Traffic Calming Working Group.

P21/V2176/FUL (Kiln Lane). Deputy Clerk to register Richard Wade to Speak at the Vale’s Planning Committee on 20th April 2022.

Payment of a Salary Increments. Patricia Athawes to arrange staff appraisals for the employees of the council.

Content Sharing Briefing Paper. Programme Manager to ask the Caudwell Day Centre if there are any issues with having a TV at the Centre, and impact on building insurance.

Entrance Gate Signs. Deputy Clerk to print contract and give to Tamsin Crane to sign and then send to the artists. Programme Manager to ask OCC about the possibility of having new Drayton signs at the three entrances that omit the word ‘village’, and any costs involved.

Care of the Planters on the Village Green. Pervin Shahin to inquire if local businesses would like to sponsor the planters.

Trees. Pervin Shahin to seek recommendations about how closely trees could be planted.

Walnut Meadows Fencing. Richard Wade to take a look and report back.

Appendix C

Planning Committee Applications

P21/V1924/FUL. Hybrid Planning application: Formation of sports pitches with associated ground works, drainage and landscaping (Full application) and sports pavilion with associated car parking and access (outline application with all matters reserved except access). Land West of Abingdon Road Drayton. PC: Objection: See September’s minutes for comment. VWHDC: Pending.
P21/V2176/FUL. Development of a brownfield site in Drayton to provide 9 purpose built houses to modern space and environmental standards. Land at Kiln Lane Drayton OX14 4FE. PC: Objection: See September’s minutes for comment. VWHDC: Pending.
P21/V2203/HH. Erection of new timber frame double garage to front of 122 Abingdon Rd. 122 Abingdon Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HT. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P21/V1924/FUL Amendment: No. 1 – dated 18th August 2021. Hybrid Planning application: Formation of sports pitches with associated groundworks, drainage and landscaping (Full application) and sports pavilion with associated car parking and access (outline application with all matters reserved except access). (Retrospective). Land West of Abingdon Road Drayton. PC: Objection: See September’s minutes for comment. VWHDC: Pending.
P21/V1924/FUL Amendment: No. 2 – dated 7th September 2021. Hybrid Planning application: Formation of sports pitches with associated groundworks, drainage and landscaping (Full application) and sports pavilion with associated car parking and access (outline application with all matters reserved except access). (Retrospective). Land West of Abingdon Road Drayton. PC: Objection: See October’s minutes for comment. VWHDC: Pending.
P21/V2622/O. Outline planning application for up to 80 residential dwellings (including up to 35% affordable housing), and 0.46 hectares for a C2 extra care facility (up to 30 units). The introduction of structural planting and landscaping, public open space and children’s play area, sustainable urban drainage system, and associated ancillary works. All matters to be reserved with the exception of the main site access. Land off Abingdon Road Steventon. PC: Objection: See October’s minutes for comment. VWHDC: Pending.
P22/V0240/HH. Construction of detached annex. Magpie Cottage 30 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JW. PC: Response: Drayton Parish Council notes that the additional residential accommodation, if permitted, shall be occupied only as accommodation ancillary and incidental to the main dwelling on the site and shall not be occupied or used separately and no separate curtilage be created. VWHDC: Withdrawn prior to determination on 1st April 2022.
P21/V2176/FUL Amendment: No. 1 – dated 14th September 2021. Demolition of single dwelling and associated outbuildings and structures, and erection of 5x4bed and 3x5bed detached dwellings with associated parking and landscaping. (As amended by plans and additional information received 14 September 2021, 16 December 2021 and 14 February 2022, including change to red line area and description amendment). Land at Kiln Lane Drayton OX14 4FE. PC: Response: Drayton Parish Council’s previous objections have not been addressed and is disappointed that there are no smaller affordable houses in the planning application. VWHDC: Pending.
P22/V0305/HH. Demolition of the existing garage, proposed new rear extension and new double garage. 3 Church Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JS. PC: Support: Drayton Parish Council hopes that the modification respects the layout of the existing roof timbers. VWHDC: Pending.
P22/V0307/LB. Demolition of the existing garage, proposed new rear extension and new double garage. 3 Church Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JS. PC: Support: Drayton Parish Council hopes that the modification respects the layout of the existing roof timbers. VWHDC: Pending.
P22/V0165/FUL. Part garage conversion, to create a salon space in order for me to work from home. 6 Friars Mews Drayton Abingdon OX14 4GS. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P22/V0547/HH. Orangery to side elevation of property. 18 Plough Lane Drayton OX14 4GJ. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P21/V1924/FUL. Amendment: No. 3 – dated 10th March 2022. Hybrid Planning application: Formation of sports pitches with associated groundworks, drainage and landscaping (Full application) and sports pavilion with associated car parking and access (outline application with all matters reserved except access). (Retrospective). (as amended by plan received 10 March 2022). Land West of Abingdon Road Drayton. PC: Pending. VWHDC: Pending.
P22/V0545/HH. proposed two storey side extension. 3 Holly Lane Drayton OX14 4FW. PC: Support. VWHDC: Pending.
P22/V0275/HH. Small rear extension, front porch canopy, conversion of roof space to create 2 bedrooms and internal alterations. 208 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.