2023 9 Minutes

Minutes of the Drayton Parish Council Meeting

held on 12th September 2023 at 7:00pm in the Candwell Day Centre

Present: Richard Wade (Chairperson), Graham Webb (Vice-Chairperson), Patricia Athawes (Vice-Chairperson), Pervin Shahin, Elaine Wade, Susan Harris.

Not Present: Adrian Cooke.

In attendance: Dianne Rickaby (Locum Clerk, joined the meeting remotely), Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk), Richard Webber (OCC).

Public: 6 members of the public were present.

171/2023 Apologies for Absence. Adrian Cooke.

172/2023 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers. Richard Wade and Elaine Wade both have a declared an interest in the allotments as they have one.

173/2023 Public Participation.

a) Traffic Calming. 2 parishioners expressed concerns over the Walnut Meadow road junction and the Abingdon road where there have been more road traffic accidents. It was noted that they both believe that ’20 is plenty’ bin stickers and ‘Slow Hedgehog Road Safety Signs’ will be ignored and would be a waste of money. The speed limit needs to be reduced to 20mph and enforced.Matter continued under item 174/2023 a).

b) Edward Park Stone. A parishioner asked where the Edward Park Stone that was on the Manor Farm site has gone. It was noted that Cala Homes have removed it.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to send parishioner contact details for Cala Homes.

c) Allotment Gates. Timothy Atkins (Allotment Warden) reported on the thefts at the allotment. Matter continued under item 185/2023.

d) Walnut Meadow Sports Field. A parishioner expressed concerns that the levels of the Walnut Meadow Sports Field are still too high following the removal of waste material by Miller Homes. It was also noted that there is still a lot of rubbish on the surface. Matter continued under item 180/2023 b).

ACTION: Jonathan Fowler to contact parishioner and discuss levels of the Walnut Meadow Sports Field.

e) Slow Hedgehog Road Safety Signs. 2 parishioners expressed concerns over the decline in the number of hedgehogs and that 4 have been killed on the Abingdon Road between the Walnut Meadow road junction and Barrow Road. Matter continued under item 188/2023.

174/2023 Report from OCC Councillor Richard Webber.

a) Traffic Calming. It was noted that ‘Twenty is Plenty Bin Stickers’ were introduced in 2005 and help slow people down, they are also low cost. It was also noted that reducing the speed limit reduces the number of road traffic accidents. Richard Webber will chase up on the 20mph speed limit for Drayton. It was also noted that there will be a traffic calming meeting between the Parish Council and OCC Highways next week.

b) Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS). It was noted that the VAS is broken on the High Street. Richard Webber will chase up on the broken VAS.

c) County Council’s Finances. Richard Webber’s report on Council’s finances were noted.

d) Hif1 Road. Richard Webber’s report on the Hif1 road was noted.

175/2023 Report from VWHDC Councillor. Adrian Cooke was not present.

176/2023 Minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting.

Minuted of the last Meeting. It was resolved to approved the minutes of the last meeting.

Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Elaine Wade Resolved: Unanimous

177/2023 Action Checklist. See Appendix A for this month’s action list. The following actions were updated:

Defibrillator. The Deputy Clerk has put a label on the defibrillator cabinet instructing people to press the ‘C’ clear button before entering the 4 digit code. It was agreed to consider purchasing a second defibrillator. ACTION: Deputy Clerk to find out the cost of a defibrillator.
Barrow Road. Action removed.
Allotment Gates. Timothy Atkins has provided the Council with more details of the thefts. Action completed and removed.
CIL Monies. The Clerk has written a report and proposal. Action completed and removed.

178/2023 Finance and Personnel Committee (Patricia Athawes). See Appendix B.

a) Payments.

i) The list of payments was received and approved.

ii) The payments to be made following the meeting were approved.

Proposed: Susan Harris Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous

iii) The two Councillors authorised to make the on-line payments between this and the next Parish Council meeting were Graham Webb and Patricia Athawes.

Proposed: Elaine Wade Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous

b) Bank Statements and Reconciliation. The bank reconciliation was signed and the bank statements for last month was noted.

c) Disposition of Council Funds. The disposition of council funds were received and noted.

d) CIL Monies. The Clerk’s report on the remainder of the CIL monies available, who can apply and what it can be spent on was noted.

e) Any Other Urgent Financial Matters Arising. It was noted that there have been some issues with the grass cutting contractor and inconsistencies with his invoicing. It was also noted that the grass cutting contract is due to go out to tender.

179/2023 Planning Committee. (Graham Webb). See Appendix C.

P23/V1805/S73. Variation of condition 1 (Approved plans) in application P22/V2546/S73 to change the layout and the house types proposed. Variation of conditions 2 (Approved Plans) on planning application P17/V1225/RM and removal of condition 14 (Age Restriction) on planning application P15/V2077/O. Land South of Halls Close Drayton. It was noted that it is important that this developments are named after something related to Drayton otherwise it is cultural vandalism. It was also noted that as the as access to the development will be via Halls Close, its street naming needs to take account of the fact that it should be part of Halls Close with a single access from High St.

ACTION: Graham Webb to write to the developer asking that the Parish Council is consulted on the name of this development.

180/2023 Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group. (Graham Webb).

a) Programme Managers Report. Jonathan Fowler’s report was noted.

b) Walnut Meadow Sports Field. Miller Homes have claimed to have completed removal of the buried waste to the levels agreed with the VWHDC. The Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group inspected the site on 30th August 2023 and discovered that 100mm of topsoil is not present across the entire site as per the Deed of Variation agreed between the VWHDC and Miller Homes. Also there is still a large quantity of building waste across the site that needs to be removed. Miller Homes have been advised of the issues and that a letter has been drafted to the VWHDC advising Miller Homes are in breach of the Deed of Variation. Proposals from Miller Homes to rectify the issues are awaited.

c) MUGA. It was resolved to approve the Capital Programme Report for the Archaeological Strip, Map & Sample Excavation at the proposed location of the MUGA on Walnut Meadows.

Proposed: Graham Webb Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous

181/2023 Rights of Way & Conservation Working Group (Richard Wade).

Bridle Way 7. It was noted that the land owner has kindly cleared Bridle Way 7 following a request from the Parish Council.

182/2023 Landscape Management Plan Working Group (Richard Wade).

a) Meeting. It was noted that the Landscape Management Plan Working Group has held 2 meetings.

b) Contracts. It was noted that the Grass Cutting and Village Caretaker contracts are due for renewal.

c) New Burial Ground Hedge. It was noted that 50 hedge plants have died and need replacing next month or in the spring.

d) Burial Ground Hedge Clearance. It was noted that ‘Tactical Facilities Management’ have not finished clearing the Eastern side of the burial ground that they started on 25th August 2023.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to chase Tactical Facilities Management.

183/2023Public Art Working Group (Pervin Shahin).

Mosaic. It was noted that the well-attended mosaic unveiling held on 3rd September 2023 was a success.

184/2023 Football Clubhouse Roof. It was noted that 3 quotations have been received. It was resolved to approve the cheapest quotation from Sharman Roofing to the sum of £16,020.00 to remove existing corrugated asbestos roof, and replace with new corrugated cement fibre boards. To include new facia, loft insulation and removal of all waste. If the football club prefers one of the other quotes they have to cover the additional cost from their own funds.

Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous

ACTION: Jonathan Fowler to contact the Football Club and arrange repair work.

Graham Webb assumed the Chair.

185/2023 Allotment Gates. Richard Wade and Elaine Wade both declared a conflict of interest for this item of business and did not partake in the following discussion or vote. It was resolved to purchase and fit combination padlocks to the gates at an approximate cost of £15.00 including VAT per gate for 1 year trial period.

Proposed: Graham Webb Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous

Richard Wade assumed the Chair.

186/2023 New grant scheme opportunity for Electric Vehicle chargers. It wasagreedto express an interest in this scheme.

ACTION: Clerk to express an interest and consult the Village Hall.

187/2023 Burial Ground Lockable Notice Board. It was agreed to obtain some prices of noticeboards for the Burial Ground.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to obtain some prices.

188/2023 Slow Hedgehog Road Safety Signs. It was resolved to purchase 4 x ‘Slow Children’ signs and 2 x ‘Slow Hedgehog’ signs.

Proposed: Susan Harris Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous

ACTION: Clerk to order 4 x ‘Slow Children’ signs and 2 x ‘Slow Hedgehog’ signs.

189/2023 Items to be noted from Parish Councillors. None.

190/2023 Date of the next Meeting. 10th October 2023.

Reserved Business. Exclusion of the Public and Press. In view of the nature of the business to be transacted any members of the public and press were temporarily excluded from the meeting (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1).

191/2023 Clerk Replacement. It was resolved to increase the replacement Clerk’s hours to 20 hours per month. Keep the salary scale the same. Change the job criteria so that remote working will be a strong option.

Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous

End of Reserved Business.

The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 9:30pm.

Signed: Date: 10th October 2023

Name: Richard Wade

Appendix A

Actions Checklist

Defibrillator. Deputy Clerk to find out the cost of a defibrillator.
Edward Park Stone. Deputy Clerk to send parishioner contact details for Cala Homes.
Walnut Meadow Sports Field. Jonathan Fowler to contact parishioner and discuss levels of the Walnut Meadow Sports Field.
P23/V1805/S73. Graham Webb to write to the developer asking that the Parish Council is consulted on the name of this development.
Burial Ground Hedge Clearance. Deputy Clerk to chase Tactical Facilities Management.
Football Clubhouse Roof. Jonathan Fowler to contact the Football Club and arrange repair work.
New grant scheme opportunity for Electric Vehicle chargers. Clerk to express an interest and consult the Village Hall.
Burial Ground Lockable Notice Board. Deputy Clerk to obtain some prices.
Slow Hedgehog Road Safety Signs. Clerk to order 4 x ‘Slow Children’ signs and 2 x ‘Slow Hedgehog’ signs.

Appendix B


Bank transactions from the current account between 1st August to 5th September 2023

5-Sep-23 B/P to: Kath’s Kitchen MOSAIC REFRESHMENT -250 247,239.46

5-Sep-23 B/P to: Jonathan Fowler EXPENSESAUG23&RSA -129.84 247,489.46

5-Sep-23 B/P to: Mr C J Price DEPCLERKEXPENSESAU -74.82 247,619.30

5-Sep-23 B/P to: Mr C J Price DEPCLERKOTAUG23 -26.86 247,694.12

5-Sep-23 B/P to: Jonathan Fowler OVERTIME AUG23 -81.1 247,720.98

5-Sep-23 B/P to: LGRC LOCUM CLERK AUG23 -3,696.26 247,802.08

5-Sep-23 B/P to: OCC Pension Fund DRAYTON PC 210 -511.34 251,498.34

5-Sep-23 B/P to: ChrisWilmott-Smith CARETAKINGAUG23 -655 252,009.68

1-Sep-23 B/P to: LGRC LOCUM CLERK JULY23 -3,480.66 252,664.68

31-Aug-23 S/O to: Mr C J Price BASICMONTHLYSALARY -698.28 256,145.34

31-Aug-23 S/O to: Jonathan Fowler BASIC SALARY -962.59 256,843.62

24-Aug-23 AB STONE&MAR 79 Head and Kerb 140 257,806.21

21-Aug-23 B/P to: Selas INVOICE NUMBER387 -400 257,666.21

21-Aug-23 B/P to: Irwin Mitchell LLP WALNUTMEADOWSADVIC -2,400.00 258,066.21

21-Aug-23 B/P to: Arbuthnot Latham INVOICE 0000822221 -358.06 260,466.21

21-Aug-23 B/P to: Stanhope Wilkinson INVOICE 290930 -5,280.00 260,824.27

10-Aug-23 B/P to: Mr C J Price OVERTIME JULY 2023 -60.43 266,104.27

10-Aug-23 B/P to: OCC Pension Fund DRAYTON PC 210 -495.43 266,164.70

8-Aug-23 TONKS BR LTD SW 210 ASHES 300 266,660.13

4-Aug-23 HMRC VTR XEV126000100287 5,758.33 266,360.13

3-Aug-23 B/P to: ChrisWilmott-Smith CARETAKING JULY -655 260,601.80

3-Aug-23 B/P to: Mr C J Price DEPCLERK EXPENSES -37.87 261,256.80

3-Aug-23 B/P to: Jonathan Fowler EXPENSES JULY 23 -70.2 261,294.67

Total expenditure -14,565.41

Total Income 6,198.33

Balance of current account: 247239.46

Balance of Projects account: 15,438.33

Appendix B

Planning Applications

P22/V1917/LDO. Milton Park Milton Abingdon Grid Ref : 449180191788 Re. LOCAL DEVELOPMENT ORDER – Draft for Public Consultation. PC: Support: See October’s Minutes for details. VWHDC: Pending.
P23/V0280/LB. Proposed demolition of an existing modern rear bay and small wooden store and the construction of a new orangery at the rear of the property. Internal alterations associated with the relocation of the existing kitchen. The Manor 68 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JR. PC: Support. VWHDC: Pending.
P23/V0279/HH. Proposed demolition of an existing modern rear bay and small wooden store and the construction of a new orangery at the rear of the property. Internal alterations associated with the relocation of the existing kitchen. The Manor 68 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JR. PC: Support: It’s to the rear and an in keeping and bespoke timber conservatory. Good luck with the oranges. VWHDC: Pending.
P23/V1222/HH. Garden annex ancillary to main house. 35 Sutton Wick Lane Drayton Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 4HH. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 29th August 2023.
P23/V1549/HH. Proposed first floor extension to extend existing bedroom with new ensuite changing area. The Old Post House 2 The Green Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JA. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 11th September 2023.
P23/V1805/S73. Variation of condition 1 (Approved plans) in application P22/V2546/S73 to change the layout and the house types proposed. Variation of conditions 2 (Approved Plans) on planning application P17/V1225/RM and removal of condition 14 (Age Restriction) on planning application P15/V2077/O. Land South of Halls Close Drayton. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P23/V1869/HH. Front porch/cloakroom extension. Location64 Whitehorns Way Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LJ. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P23/V1835/S73. Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) on application ref. P22/V2218/HH – rear dormer enlargement. Single storey rear extension, entrance porch extension, hip-to-gable loft conversion and rear dormer windows.28 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P23/V1866/HH. Single Storey Rear Extension & Minor Renovations. Emmanuel, 7 Drayton Mill Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4FD. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P23/V1919/HH. Front and rear extension and roof- redesign with accommodation in the loft. 65 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LA. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.