
Drayton Parish Council will be taking action from next week to support the community during this challenging Covid-19 crisis period. We are planning to coordinate a volunteer programme to help those who are self-isolating and need some support, by doing the following tasks:

  • Collecting prescriptions from pharmacy
  • Grocery shopping
  • Posting letters
  • Dog walks
  • Doorstep chats (from safe distance)
  • Phone call or Facetime (for those with that setup)

Delivered items will be left on doorsteps (after bell rung).

Each Volunteer will be assigned a caseload of Recipients. The number of recipients in each caseload will depend on the time and availability that the individual Volunteer can offer.

We also need help initially to deliver leaflets to every house with details about this scheme.

If you can help with either the leaflet drop or volunteering more generally, please contact either of the following people, giving your name and phone/email details.

Tamsin Crane – 01235 535 933 or email to

Richard Wade – 01235 532 321 or email to

GDPR notice: please note that if you contact the Drayton Community Support Group to volunteer then that will be understood to mean you are giving your permission that the personal details you provide (your name, address, phone number) will be used by the Drayton Community Support Group for volunteering purposes. Your personal data will only be used for these purposes, and will be deleted from our records on your request.